Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Test 2 - Essay Example Through analysis, researchers can direct more research on the advancement of and this will prompt progressively intricate and free comprehension from the gather development. This can be obviously be seen from the examination that lead to the understanding advancement of prokaryotic and eukaryotic as Marguli consistently expected to demonstrate the truth behind the development of Flagella as contradicted by the greater part of the researchers toward the beginning. The piecemeal acknowledgment of the new speculations was a result of hazy characterized confirmations to the development of the cell advancement. Be that as it may, the piece to bits acknowledgment additionally was contributed by reprimanding researchers .For example ,Marguli’s first book in 1970 on endosymbiosis albeit new to the greater part of the researcher the individuals who knew about it excused it making her to deliberately again separate her thoughts obviously from others like Ivan Wallin who initially composed of it. The best way to determine an issue between two gatherings is by creating clear and significant proof that is utilized to manage the proof of the other. Questionable hypotheses on the development among Marguli and different researchers for example, her introducing a wide would just comprehend the nearby serious hypothesis by F.J.R Taylor and all around clarified with touchable proof on the advancement of the cells like Prokaryotic and eukaryotic, mitochondria, chloroplast and flagella. Because of the analysis and excusal of her logical hypothesis. Margulis was urged to plainly investigate so as to completely pick up acknowledgment on the cell development hypothesis. Subsequently, she put together her cell advancement with respect to the past investigation of Ivan Walliam .therefore, before a decade's over after his first book on 1970 she concocted analogies that were enormously acknowledged around the world. She wound up picking up notoriety on the Set hypothesis than the autogency hypothesis that accentuated on the end advantageous interaction. For example Margulis in her Set hypothesis she affirmed that couple of intermediates among prokaryotic and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay --
The key inquiry of the overview was to reply if general society of the United States of America accept that stoutness is a major issue or not. The number of inhabitants in intrigue was the entire U.S residents. The overview was finished by a phone meet, directed on October 30-November 6, 2013, among a national example of 2003 grown-ups, 18 years old or more seasoned, living in every one of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The respondents were met on a landline phone, just as on a mobile phone. The blend of landline and mobile phone arbitrary digit dial tests were utilized; the two examples were given by Survey Sampling International. Meetings were directed in English and Spanish. Respondents in the landline test were chosen by arbitrarily requesting the most youthful grown-up male or female who is presently at home. Meetings in the cell test were led with individual who picked up the telephone, if that individual was a grown-up 19 years old or more seasoned. The joine d landline and phone test are weighted utilizing an intuitive procedure that matches sex, age, instruction, race, Hispanic birthplace, and nativity and district to parameters from the 2011 Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and populace thickness to parameters from the Decennial Census. The example additionally weighted to coordinate current examples of phone status and relative use of landline and mobile phones. The weighting strategy likewise represents the way that respondents with both landline and mobile phones have a more noteworthy likelihood of being remembered for the joined example and changes for family size among respondents with a landline telephone. The examining outline just incorporates the individuals who are United States residents and have enlisted their contact number into the registry. The examining... ...reaction among male and female: ladies are somewhat more probable than men to state that weight is a genuine general medical issue (72% versus 66%). Moreover, the individuals who depict themselves as overweight are as likely as others to state that weight is an intense general medical issue (70% versus 69%). The ends expressed by The Pew Research Center are to some degree pleasant for the measurements plainly underpins the contention. Simply taking a gander at the measurements gave, it is easy to reason that regardless of what circumstance an individual is in, the residents of America accept that heftiness is a genuine clinical issue. Be that as it may, I accept the study can't be summed up to the number of inhabitants in enthusiasm because of the way that the quantity of people talked with are to little contrasted with the entire populace of the United States, along these lines, empowering wide assortment of feelings the nation over. Article - The key inquiry of the review was to reply if general society of the United States of America accept that corpulence is a significant issue or not. The number of inhabitants in intrigue was the entire U.S residents. The overview was finished by a phone meet, led on October 30-November 6, 2013, among a national example of 2003 grown-ups, 18 years old or more seasoned, living in every one of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The respondents were met on a landline phone, just as on a wireless. The blend of landline and mobile phone irregular digit dial tests were utilized; the two examples were given by Survey Sampling International. Meetings were led in English and Spanish. Respondents in the landline test were chosen by haphazardly requesting the most youthful grown-up male or female who is presently at home. Meetings in the cell test were led with individual who picked up the telephone, if that individual was a grown-up 19 years old or more seasoned. The joined landlin e and mobile phone test are weighted utilizing an intuitive method that matches sexual orientation, age, training, race, Hispanic birthplace, and nativity and locale to parameters from the 2011 Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and populace thickness to parameters from the Decennial Census. The example likewise weighted to coordinate current examples of phone status and relative utilization of landline and PDAs. The weighting technique additionally represents the way that respondents with both landline and PDAs have a more prominent likelihood of being remembered for the consolidated example and changes for family size among respondents with a landline telephone. The inspecting outline just incorporates the individuals who are United States residents and have enlisted their contact number into the catalog. The inspecting... ...reaction among male and female: ladies are somewhat more probable than men to state that weight is a genuine general medical issue (72% versus 66%). Also, the individuals who depict themselves as overweight are as likely as others to state that stoutness is an intense general medical issue (70% versus 69%). The ends expressed by The Pew Research Center are to some degree pleasing for the insights plainly underpins the contention. Simply taking a gander at the insights gave, it is easy to presume that regardless of what circumstance an individual is in, the residents of America accept that corpulence is a genuine clinical issue. In any case, I accept the study can't be summed up to the number of inhabitants in enthusiasm because of the way that the quantity of people talked with are to little contrasted with the entire populace of the United States, hence, empowering wide assortment of feelings the nation over.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
The app is live, but are you ready to apply COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
The app is live, but are you ready to apply COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The MIA/MPA Spring 2016 and Fall 2016 applications for admission have been live for a week now. (Yay! Or yikes?!) Many of you are contemplating how best to climb the difficult mountainand not lose your heads in the processso I wanted to remind you of a few things before you begin the process of admission. Tip 1: Subscribe to the Admissions Blog In the coming weeks, I’ll switch gears from student life content to admissions-related content. You don’t want to miss any tips so make sure you subscribe to the blog here. (I also recommend you review our archived posts from the past year for additional tips.) Tip 2: Review the Top 10 Tips This post offers friendly reminders on the best way to contact us, why you shouldn’t create duplicate applications, and more. So check it out; you may read something really interesting. Tip 3: Tell us what to do Yes, you read that right. If you have any burning questions about the admission process, just Submit An Idea for this blog via our web form and I’ll write about it. No admissions topic is off limits, so send us your silliest or most thoughtful questions! Tip 4: Study the Application Checklist Sticking to a checklist may seem like a no brainer, but so many applicants forget to complete a thing or two from the list. (So watch out!) Everything on the checklist must be on file with the Admissions Office by the appropriate deadline. So if you’re missing anything, you’re application won’t be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Wondering where that checklist is? Click here to see it for yourself. Tip 5: Read the directions carefully This one seems just as obvious, but pay close attention to the application instructions. I rewrote them for this cycle, and added a note about using the same name and email address for every component of the admissions process (e.g., application packet, test scores and transcripts). Its important to be consistent with all of your application materials since several pieces are coming from a third party. For example, if you apply to SIPA using your American name or your married name, but you took the GRE using your given name, then chances are we wont know the test scores are yours. So be consistent! Tip 6: Plan ahead The deadline(s) for admission may seem far away, but theyll creep up on you before you know it. So start your research now and make preparations for recommendation letters, test scores and transcripts sooner rather than later. Youll be surprised at how slow the process the can be, so its best to be proactive to ensure you meet the application deadline(s). Dont recall when everythings due? Just look to the right of this post under the Upcoming Deadlines section. Photo courtesy of HBO.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Internet And Its Effects On Society - 1235 Words
The world has been brought together by the reigning overlord of today s society - the internet. People all around the world have become slaves to the internet, growing dependent on the many ways that it is used. This powerful tool can cover news stories as it happens, provide entertainment, as well as a form of education. It can do so much and can be found almost anywhere. The internet can also let anyone take a peek into others lives, no matter what their privacy settings are. The internet has become a physical, mental, and emotional danger to every user. The world is now in a digital era, where technology is a main part of many lives. Children are starting to use the internet earlier and using the internet to watch pornography, as†¦show more content†¦To a mind of a child or adolescent, these prominent changes will affect their developing minds permanently, leading to an impatient, aggressive, and unproductive generation (Internet Addiction: The New Mental Health Disorder?). Spending hours online takes away from the capability to interact with families and peers. Instead of forming and strengthening bonds face to face, internet users are more likely to socially interact with people anonymously in mass amounts, rather than to interact with people to understand and learn about them (Researchers Link Use of Internet, Social Isolation). A study done by the Pew Research Center resulted that †¦ an increasing number of Americans have no one with whom they can discuss important matters (Social Isolation and New Technology). A person walks amongst the earth in order to create relationships. However, the relationship has no meaning if both parties are not able to trust each other. Trust is the most important part in any interaction. A relationship consists of two parties with different desires. Those parties trust each other to respect each other. When human stop trusting each other, they are preying on each other in their animalistic nature. The internet is a tool to take a peek into others lives. The privacy settings of social
Monday, May 11, 2020
Common Street Arts An Art Gallery Essay - 1147 Words
Common Street Arts is an art gallery in downtown Waterville that is hosting their fifth Holiday Pop-up Shop (Common Street Arts, n.d.). Common Street Arts’ mission statement is â€Å"To enhance the creative, artistic and economic vitality of the Waterville community through outstanding arts education and exhibitions†(Mission Vision, n.d.). The pop-up shop follows the mission by providing products for people to purchase that have been crafted by local artists, helping drive the creative spirit of Waterville and allowing for artists to sell their works. The pop-up shop offers items with different styles and price points, aligning with Common Street Arts goal of presenting exhibits that get all members of the community involved. This shop also offers a place for artist to sell their work, fulfilling the goal of supporting local artists. Common Street arts also has a goal of offering â€Å"at least one exhibition of non-traditional media each year†(Mission Visio n, n.d.). The pop-up shop is an accumulation of many types of art, providing a piece of artwork for nearly anyone’s taste and showcasing many forms of artistic media. Common Street Arts and worked with many artists to create this pop-up shop and serve the needs of people in search of gifts for the holiday season. Common Street Arts opened in 2012 on Common Street in Waterville (History, n.d.). This organization aimed to provide â€Å"a non-profit collaborative arts space that included a gallery and studio teaching space†Show MoreRelatedThe Impact of the Arts on Society1037 Words  | 4 PagesArt has been long seen as a prevailing influence on society and is increasingly developing every day. There have been many efforts taken to amplify systematic methods for assessing these influences. Many cities either highlight the arts or reduce these social inclusions. Some places go on to have academic achievements and economic development just to portray the existing arts in their cities. With all that being done, there is definitely an impact on social and community life whether that is a positiveRead MoreStreet Art Is Visual Art2446 Words  | 10 Pages Street art is visual art created in public locations, usually unsanctioned artwork executed outside of the context of traditional ar t venues. The term gained popularity during the graffiti art boom of the early 1980s and continues to be applied to subsequent incarnations. Stencil graffiti, wheatpasted poster art or sticker art, and street installation or sculpture are common forms of modern street art. Video projection, yarn bombing and Lock On sculpture became popularized at the turn of the 21stRead MoreBuying And Selling Art, Provenance, Connoisseurship, And Authentication1235 Words  | 5 Pagesand selling art, provenance, connoisseurship, and authentication are key elements that will make the sale/purchase go smoothly. Art, especially expensive art, is an investment and that investment needs to be sound. This is where authentication comes into play. If a buyer is going to drop a couple of million dollars on a painting then the buyer wants to know whether or not the art is what the buyer is saying it is. This is where a connoisseur comes in, an expert to inspect and judge the art. Buyers willRead MoreAnal ysis Of The Institute Of Modern Art854 Words  | 4 PagesPolitics, a contemporary art exhibition that reflects conceptuality and politics has recently showcased in on of Queensland’s leading independent art gallery, the Institute of Modern Art (IMA) located in Brunswick Street, Brisbane. Artists namely: Zach Blas, Jemima Wyman, Megan Cope, Gabriella Mangano, Silvana Mangano, Archie Moor, Raquel Ormella, Keg de Souza and Tintin Wulia were commissioned and brought together to resurface political agendas exploring the relationship between art and capitalism. Read MoreAi Weiwei Essay859 Words  | 4 Pagesmusic management. I have had a passion for art since childhood. Over the past three years i have sought to use this enthusiasm to good effect. I focused on discovering new talent and learning about the process of creation and also the curating of exhibitions. This lead to me creating a pop up exhibition for students at Central Saint Martins in a vacant space on the Portland estate in Marylebone. I also worked in collaboration with commercial clients; Art related fashion Installations at The SaintRead MoreThe Japanese American National Museum1354 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Japanese as the United States entered World War Two. After many emotional and disheartening displays of life in the internment camps came the reparations and apologies from the American Government. In the last gallery there was pictures and displays of the modern era Japanese arts and culture. While in the Japanese American National Museum, I was observing the historical artifacts and analyzing the readings and I felt this tense intangible atmospheric pressure throughout the museum. The museumRead More25. Using examples, discuss the extent to which regeneration and re-imaging of cities counteract the decline of urban in DCs1432 Words  | 6 Pagesup and was the site for the development of the Carousel Mall. Supporting industries and infrastructure were built downtown costing about $1 billion dollars. There were flagship projects to boost the attractiveness of Syracuse and they include The Galleries, Carousel Mall and Onondaga County Convention Centre. Advertisements were placed in local and national media such as â€Å"Business Week†and â€Å"Fortune†with taglines such as â€Å"take stock in Syracuse†and â€Å"Profit from our assets†. All these were done toRead MoreEssay Design and Architecture of Art Galleries1585 Words  | 7 PagesIn what ways and for what reasons have the architecture and designs of art museums and galleries evolved since the mid-twentieth century? In exploring and understanding this subject, one must study the history and development of individual museums and galleries, observing the exterior architecture as well as the internal design, and the reasons behind any developments or renovations done to the buildings. In addition to this the location of the museum must be considered, to see if the surroundingRead MoreExhibition Review – Dale Chihuly, the Halcyon Gallery Essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesExhibition Review – Dale Chihuly, the Halcyon Gallery Dale Chihuly is an American artist, born September 20th, 1941 who is known for his glass sculptures. One of his most well known pieces is the blue and green glass sculpture hanging in the front entrance of the Victoria Albert Museum in London (figure 1). His work has included over 200 museum collections worldwide, and I visited his exhibition in the Halcyon Gallery on New Bond Street in London on the 23rd of January 2012. The entireRead More Jacob Lawrence Essay1750 Words  | 7 Pagesmother and siblings to New York, settling in Harlem. quot;He trained as a painter at the Harlem Art Workshop, inside the New York Public Librarys 113 5th Street branch. Younger than the artists and writers who took part in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, Lawrence was also at an angle to them: he was not interested in the kind of idealized, fake-primitive images of blacks - the Noble Negroes in Art Deco guise - that tended to be produced as an antidote to the toxic racist stereotypes with which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Leeds Was Like Durning the Victorian Times Free Essays
Life in Leeds was ghastly; many sources tell me this from pictures, to rhymes, reports and drawings Leeds was a well polluted and unhygienic place, Leeds also did not have any proper sewage system causing diseases to spread killing innocent civilians. First pictures of Leeds Steel works which was taken in 1864 show me that factories created poisonous gases that normal everyday public inhaled. My first source also shows that from a distant view the air itself was murky and unclear. We will write a custom essay sample on How Leeds Was Like Durning the Victorian Times or any similar topic only for you Order Now Source 1: As I mentioned before there are many sketches by anonymous artists who express their art from what they can see around their environment. This gives me more evidence that Leeds was very dirty and polluted. Source 2: Rhymes and songs were created by the people (most probably the children) who inhabited Leeds at the time one of the most famous rhymes were: â€Å"The Aire below is doubly dyed and damned; The air above with lurid smoke is crammed ; The one flows streaming foul as Charon’s Styx, Its poisonous vapour in the other mix†. What it is really translating is the water below (the river AIre) is coloured in an unnatural state and it is supposedly damned, the air above is crammed with toxic smoke, its poisonous vapours reaching us. Therefore it was commonly known that the Leeds was contaminated and filled with pollution. In 1842 Edwin Chadwick, a politician who was trying to make improvements and reforms to the conditions of towns and cities conducted an investigation into ‘Sanitary conditions of the labouring population. Edwin used local investigators to provide evidence of urban public health conditions. A doctor, Robert Baker, provided information about the hygiene and how it was affecting Leeds. â€Å"Of the 586 streets of Leeds, 68 only are paved by the town, ie, by the local authorities; the remainder are either paved by the owners or are partly paved, or are totally unpaved, with the surfaces broken in every direction, and ashes and filth of every description accumulated upon many of them†¦ of the 68 streets†¦ 9 are not sewered at all, and ten only partly so; nay it is only within the three or four years past that a sewer has been completed†. This statement tells me that there were 586 streets in Leeds and only 68 were filled with pavements. Filth and Ash filled every direction; in those 68 pampered streets 19 of them did not have a sewage system at all! Only 10 streets had them; however the sewage system has only been completed 3 or 4 years ago. This source is reliable becaus e as a local doctor Robert Baker had experienced the severe horrific cholera outbreak of 1832. By 1838 as a town councillor, had contributed to a statistical survey of the town and went on to become a factory inspector by 1858. Cholera and other diseases broke out because of the poor sewer system when civilians had to ‘relieve themselves’ half of their waste was absorbed by the ground and was then entered the stream which people drank from! While the other half just flowed through the streets waiting to infect civilians with putrid bacteria and filth . Public people also used to wash and bath in the river AIre causing its natural water colour to die out and for it to be swarmed with dirt and bacteria. For my conclusion I still stand by my decision that Leeds during the Victorian times was a filthy, disgusting place. Its water was not safe to drink and was revolting, although the simple workmen who build hundreds of factories hoping that it would not hurt the ozone lair still poisoned the air that the poor Victorian people breathed and lived in. How to cite How Leeds Was Like Durning the Victorian Times, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Vessel by Twenty One Pilots free essay sample
If you like music with a message then you will like Twenty One Pilots! They are Christians, they dont talk too much about it but they are. Tyler Joseph used to be a worship leader. But anyways, back to their music When I really listened to the lyrics of the songs on this album, I was like, This sounds like my life! I especially love Car Radio because its SO true and very relatable. We all to cover up something we face by listening to music so we can feel better. But Tyler Joseph is saying in this song that its okay to turn the music off and think about life. If we keep covering it up, then its like we keep hiding trash under our beds. If we keep on putting stuff under there, everything will eventually come bursting out. So it would be better to face problems a little bit at a time instead of all at once. We will write a custom essay sample on Vessel by Twenty One Pilots or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In conclusion, Id like to quote some lyrics from Car Radio. Theres faith and theres sleep We need to pick one please because Faith is to be awake And to be awake is for us to think And for us to think is to be alive And I will try with every rhyme To come across like I am dying To let you know you need to try to think Faith. We will ALWAYS feel empty without Faith in Jesus! Vessel by Twenty One Pilots free essay sample â€Å"Vessel†is similar in sound and message to the group’s eponymous debut. Yet it expands and improves upon its predecessor, producing concise and meaningful tracks like â€Å"Car Radio†and â€Å"Guns for Hands.†These songs describe the process of recognizing, coping with, and accepting one’s mind despite its flaws and quirks. This premise is an important part of the band’s message and is expressed clearly and honestly throughout the album, especially in these two songs which, to this day, remain beloved by fans. Though the songs ontheir debut, â€Å"Twenty One Pilots,†expresses ideas in this vein, it does so somewhat erratically; â€Å"Vessel†clarifies these themes in a way that simplifies yet enhances the listening experience. Lead singer and pianist Tyler Joseph further diversifies the band’s accompaniment by playing his infamous ukulele. Songs such as â€Å"House of Gold†and â€Å"Oh Ms. Believer†feature the now iconic ukulele. The instrument adds a much-needed softness and wholesomeness to Twenty One Pilots’ songs, missing in their premiere. We will write a custom essay sample on Vessel by Twenty One Pilots or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With â€Å"Vessel,†Twenty One Pilots molds the experiments of its first album into the cohesive, artistic, provocative product without any loss of authenticity. With the two albums, the band’s message and sound develop profoundly in a way that establishes Twenty One Pilots as its own unique artistic entity.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Carl Rogers Theory of Client-Centered Therapy essays
Carl Rogers' Theory of Client-Centered Therapy essays The main thrust of Carl Rogers' theories of human psychology and treatment revolves around the client- or person-centered therapy. Client-Centered Therapy was developed by Rogers in the 1940's and 1950's. It is a non-directive approach to therapy, "directive" meaning any therapist behavior that deliberately steers the client in some way. Directive behaviors include asking questions, offering treatments, and making interpretations and diagnoses. I find that a non-directive approach is very appealing on the face of it to many clients, because they get to keep control over the content and pace of the therapy. It is intended to serve them, after all. The therapist isn't evaluating them in any way or trying to "figure them out". When I first read about Rogers' client-centered therapy, I found myself asking about what really is in client-centered therapy if the therapist isn't interjecting their own insights and analysis. I think that the answer is whatever the client brings to it. And that is, honestly, a very good answer. The central belief of client-centered therapy is that people tend to move toward growth and healing, and have the capacity to find their own answers. This tendency is helped along by an accepting and understanding climate, which the client-centered therapist seeks to provide above all else. Client-centered therapy sounds rather simple or even limited, mostly because there is no particular structure that the therapist is trying to apply. But when I saw the client-centered therapy in action I saw a very rich and complicated process. The patient is allowed to unravel his or her own thoughts and emotions. The patient discovers new things, takes brave steps, and does not have to cope with a therapist who is doing things to them in the meantime. The therapist strives to understand and accept the client's feelings, which is no simple feat. Over time, the client increasingly seeks to understand and accept their o...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Take the Stress Out of Author Marketing
Take the Stress Out of Author Marketing Weve all heard it: You need to spend time building and interacting with your audience. You need a website and a blog. And dont forget about book signings. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn social interaction should all be regular parts of your weekly marketing habits. They dont happen Im a writer, not a marketer, we complain. Some have hired a publicist to handle all these marketing details, but that can become expensive. There is another option that many writers are now utilizing. Its the growing league of Virtual Assistants (or VAs}. As the title implies, a VA operates virtually, via online and telephone interaction with their clients. Each VA has a unique skillset which she employs, but most are very Internet savvy. The primary function of a VA is to take on tasks delegated to them from their client, so their client can spend their time on their primary focus, in the writer’s case, writing. Taking on social media posting and interaction is a common task delegated to a VA. They can create your author Facebook page, Twitter account and LinkedIn profiles. Once these are setup, they can create appropriate posts to each of these accounts on a frequency schedule that fits your preference and your budget. Need to create a webpage to announce your next book? Can’t keep up with your blog postings? Your VA can take care of that for you, too. VA skills are not limited to these types of online marketing tasks. A VA could also arrange for book signings or speaking engagements. They could design postcards or posters to promote a book signing or book release. They could track the status of your submissions to agents and publishers. They could even be your research assistant, collecting data for your historical novel or hunting down sources for a magazine article. Now that I’ve gotten you all excited about the possibilities of unloading some of those time consuming tasks off your to-do list, the next question you’ll have is – â€Å"How do I find a VA?†There are lots of ways to do that. There are companies online that specialize in providing VA services. HireYourVirtualAssistant.com is one, ContemporaryVA.com is another. If you’d prefer to hire an individual directly, you could post an ad with WAHM.com, a job service newsletter that many VA’s subscribe too, or on one of the online bidding sites like elance or Guru. Simply inquiring among your network of writers may turn up names of VA’s that others have used and have been happy with. How much will a VA charge for their services? That can vary greatly. Many will charge Haven’t you always wanted your own personal assistant? Delegating some of your marketing tasks to a VA can unload a whole lot of stress and be profitable, as well. After all, marketing is all about increasing sales. Hiring a good VA can be one of the best investments you make in your career.
Monday, February 17, 2020
No Child Left Behind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
No Child Left Behind - Essay Example uarantee that every child is skillful in reading skill that is directed for interpretational purpose and mathematical skills for basic and every-day actions. This is to be accomplished by the end of the session 2013–2014 as per the school year. An explanation provided by NCLB regarding this strategy involves various political domains from lower to higher authorities i.e. from schools to district and to state authorities so that children master the skills in every possible manner. This step not only will be of prime significance from the point of view of children but also it is highly imperative step for the development of the nations and therefore qualification of teacher is highly imperative for the success of the strategy formulated under NCLB. Step by step procedures are adopted for assessing adequate yearly progress (AYP) (State and Local Implementation of No Child Left Behind, II & III). No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is a federal law which was established in 2001 to highlight the importance of basic and higher education for every child. The major task of this law is to exhibit aptitude and advancement according to answerability criterions set by the country and accepted or permitted the Department of Education of United States (Accountability Resource Center Hawaii). The law necessitates states to execute a system that is responsible enough to measure the progress and performance of the system in development of the child. For instance, a responsible system to measure Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in mathematics, reading skills, contribution and aptitude. It also encompasses the way teacher teaches and how qualified the teacher is to teach and meet the standard. These accomplishments are reported annually at the individual level, school level and also at the state level (Accountability Resource Center Hawaii). NCLB was implemented as a law in January 2002 as "An Act to close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no
Monday, February 3, 2020
Business Financial Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Business Financial Analysis - Assignment Example Insurance industry has become one of the most fundamental sectors in the performance of any economy. Businesses, private organizations, and individuals all insure their products and property to shield them from recording significant losses and potential threats to going concern problem.The choice of state farm insurance has been propelled by the better ranking and the immense interests that investors have on the insurance segment of the economy. Any economic sector that fails to develop robust insurance firms and businesses are bound to record losses that arise due to the uncertain nature of operations.This paper therefore analyze the financial performance of state farm insurance, its performance in the industry, products, and leadership styles that have been pursued by the company to achieve the core objectives. State farm insurance was founded with the core object of providing insurance to the automotives of farmers before it later ventured into other services provision and increas ed its products range. The company recorded significant growth in the lifetime and is one of the top ranked companies according to the Fortune 500 Company ranking. Companies that operate in highly competitive industry must ensure continuous monitoring of their financial performance and satisfaction of the interests of their stakeholders for them to be going concern. It is for this purpose that potential investors and trhose who wish to engage in trade in the stock market will value the analysis. The use of financial ratios and other financial techniques will be involved in the analysis of the business. INTRODUCTION Insurance industry has become one of the most fundamental sectors in the performance of any economy. Businesses, private organizations, and individuals all insure their products and property to shield them from recording significant losses and potential threats to going concern problem. The choice of state farm insurance has been propelled by the better ranking and the im mense interests that investors have on the insurance segment of the economy. Any economic sector that fails to develop robust insurance firms and businesses are bound to record losses that arise due to the uncertain nature of operations. State farm insurance growth in business and operation also makes it suitable for analysis and consideration. COMPANY BACKGROUND State farm insurance was formed in 1922 by its policyholders to insure automobiles. At the early stages, the company was entirely engaged in the insurance of auto of farmers before extending their operations to cover the insurance of banking services, financial services, and life insurance (Mundy 16). George Mecherle who was a retired farmer and was interested in improving the welfare of the members founded it. The company has recorded tremendous growth of both employees and the number of company agents. State farm insurance has expanded its operations in other countries like Canada and has operations in most of the states in America (Mundy 18). State farm insurance was heavily hit by the recession in the financial sector since many policy holders were unable to pay for their insurance. The company has since recorded growth in their base and has policyholders of about 80 million people. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Management is the act of planning the future now. An organization that is aimed at surviving in the dynamic and competitive market must have a strong management and visionary leadership. Rust ensured that state farm mutual insurance had a well-educated staff. He believed that through training and knowledge, the employees input, and efficiency will be increased. State farm therefore incurred large amounts of money in taking their employees for further training and education. Better leadership ensured that the future could be forecasted and that risks inherent in the business were absorbed by the business. Management of state farm also motivated their staffs by giving out better packages to their emp loyees and investing heavily on talents (Millenson 45). Rust, the chairperson of the board has thus succeeded in the winning of the confidence and trust of their employees. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS State farm insurance recorded a decline in their revenue and earnings in the financial year 2011. This was attributed to the increased number claims. Moreover, the large portfolio of
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Human Rights Of Individuals And Amnesty International Criminology Essay
Human Rights Of Individuals And Amnesty International Criminology Essay Human rights are the basic rights of any individual regardless of the fact that the individual may belong to any religion, country, and background. Human rights are collective set of rights which an individual enjoys to live. These are rights that apply to all human beings. Human rights ensures that the dignity of an individual is protected, people are given respect within and in other societies. Human rights expresses the idea that all human beings should be treated equally and with justice and the moral values should be same and applied on all humans. The Human rights are majorly categorized as religious, civil, political, social and economic rights. (a) Civil rights comprises of rights which an individual enjoys as a citizen including right to life. It includes freedom to live, protecting people from discrimination as gender, religion, immigrant status, age etc. This includes the rights the state provides being a citizen. (b) Political rights comprises of the right to vote, having the right to express and the right to political participation. (c) Economic and social rights includes the basic rights an individual enjoys, promoting equality in society. It comprises of the right to proper education, right to a living in a safe environment, adequate housing and food, right to proper health facilities and right to social security. Economic rights includes the right to employment. (d) Cultural rights constitute the right of a society linked to cultural freedom. The right to perform cultural practices, to speak ones own mother language and the right to rituals and indigenous land. The protection of these rights are essential for the sustainability and survival of humanity. Human rights benefits people in ways that they can be protected from any social, legal and political violence. Violation in the human rights means to deny the basic rights of an individual. Violation of human rights lead to unbalanced society. Human rights are sheltered by national and international laws. FIVE INTERNATIONAL CASES ON VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Throughout the course of human history, there have been many examples of violation of human rights. Some examples of violation of human right laws are given, 1. The most tragic case of human rights violation took place in China where due to hukou household registration system, millions of rural migrants are denied basic facilities including education for children. This distinction is based on the place of residence which has categorized citizens to be eligible for certain socioeconomic benefits. This system limits the rural from some socioeconomic facilities as education, health facilities, and better sources of income which their urban dwellers enjoy. 2. The failure of the Mexican military court system to provide justice in cases involving military abuses against civilians is a another examples of human rights violation. In many such incidents sliders detained civilians, held them captive, tortured and abused them and even applied electric shocks. No investigation are done on such cases and no action taken by military against the soldiers involved in such incidents despite medical proofs of tortures. 3. Another example of human right violation is the forced evacuation of Roma Gypsys by the Italian government. In a controversial plan, the Italian government is evacuating nomadic camps which will result in the destruction of 100 camps, leaving 1,000 people homeless resulting in violation of rights of these peoples. 4. In one incident of Human right violation, Iraqi prisoners of war are held by Britain in legal black holes similar to US at Guantanamo Bay, without trial for more than five years. Two Iraqis Faisal Attiyah Nassar al-Saadoon, 56, and Khalaf Hussain Mufdhi, 58 were accused of execution of British soldiers but both men denied any involvement in the fighting. 5. Cases of detention of journalists and scholars in Iran, restricting their right of freedom of speech and academic freedom are sad examples of human rights violations. Two Iranain brothers and physicians Kamiar and Arash Alaei were charged for allegedly communicating with enemy governments because of their participation in global health conferences. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty international founded in London In 1961 aims at providing justice and rights to those whos rights have been violated. It aims at protecting the dignity of every individual belonging to any society, ethnicity, religion or country. People worldwide face many problems which results in violation or in some cases complete denial of their basic human rights. Amnesty International works globally by collecting information on issues societies are facing and focuses on reducing the abuses to peoples through campaign locally and globally. People in Amnesty International are involved in many activities worldwide ranging from helping free prisoners, stopping violence against women and children, settling disputes between nations, abolishing death penalties and to free people from the discrimination they face which results in violation of their basic rights. Amnesty International emphasizes the Governments to provide security to their citizens when they face a challenge or harsh condition. MAJOR ROLES AND FUNCTIONS PERFORMED BY AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL The main function of Amnesty International is to record any kind of human right violation worldwide and work against it. Amnesty International stress that the Governments of every country should work to meet its responsibility to protect, respect and promote the human rights of every citizen. Following are the major key areas on which Amnesty International works on, 1. Ending Violence against women: People in Amnesty International are involved in campaigns, working against violence against women and girls worldwide. This includes ending all type of violence against women ranging from domestic violence and abuse, sexual abuse, torture and discrimination. Enforcement of laws on violence against women and abolishing laws on women discrimination. It also involves empowering women so that they can protect themselves from the discrimination and work as an active citizen. 2. Stopping violence against Children: Worldwide children faces many abuses and are denied their basic human right. Children suffer many types of violence ranging from torture to death penalties. Amnesty International aims at protecting the rights of children worldwide providing them education and against imprisonment of children. It is also working towards reducing the discrimination of girls education. Amnesty International works to end the employment of children into armed forces and to reintegrate former child soldiers back into civilian life. 3. Abolish Death Penalty and torture: Amnesty International opposes the death penalties, regardless of the fact that what the crime is. Death penalty is an inhuman punishment and results in violation of right to live. 4. Protecting Rights of Refugees, migrants and Internally displaced persons (IDPs) : Millions of people are forced to leave their homes and move to new areas as a result of war, poverty and natural disasters. These people move to other areas in their own country or to other countries in search of homes and better standard of living. Unfortunately they face many situation which results in violation of their basic human rights. As in case of Iraq where many people have migrated to other places as a result of war, Amnesty International is calling on US, UK and other developed countries for resettlement of these refugees who are in urgent need of shelter, food and medical care. 5. Rights of Prisoners of Conscience : Amnesty International has been working for Prisoners of Conscience and has succeeded in helping in release of many such prisoners. Prisoners of Conscience are those prisoners who been imprisoned either because of lawful expression of their beliefs or are human rights defenders facing government intimidation, individuals at risk of execution, or those languishing in arbitrary detention. 6. Protection of Human dignity: To protect human dignity is the main function of Amnesty International. Amnesty International focuses on promoting the respect of every individual belonging to any religion, country, gender or ethnicity. Protecting the moral values of every individual. EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE FREED AFTER INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE There are many success stories of release of prisoners after international pressure. Such stories area great hope for the human rights activists. Following are some of the success stories, 1. In 1998, two OCESP members, Rodolfo Montiel and Teodoro Cabrera were arrested by military and were tortured to confess to arms and drugs-related crimes. Amnesty International took up their case and found that they were found guilty on basis of false evidence. National and international pressure in the case forced President Vicente Fox to order their release from prison in 2001. 2. On 16th September 2005, Felipe Arreaga Sà ¡nchez, environmental activist, founder of the Peasant Environmentalist Organization of the Sierra de Petatlà ¡n was released after international pressure. He was arrested in November 2004, accused of a murder that took place in 1998. 3. In February 2009, Ayman Nour was unpredictably released from prison after four years due to International pressure. He was a prominent political dissident and a one-time presidential candidate. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION IN DEVELOPED AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Though there have been records of cases and incidents in developed countries but the rate of human rights violence is higher in developing countries as compared to developed countries due to many reasons. In developed countries institutions are strong and corruption rate is low. In developing countries freedom of speech and human rights is not well appreciated. In some societies major rights are not even considered as human rights in the first place. Due to lack of resources, unequal distribution of resources, injustice, unemployment and increase in violence the rate of human rights violation is increasing. The increase in war on terrorism is also resulting in human rights violations. War its self creates disturbance, depriving people of basic rights, where fear, mistrust and violence increases in societies. The main reasons resulting in violation of Human Rights in developing countries are, 1. Discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and casts systems: The discrimination done on basis of cast system, ethnicity, family background results in human rights violation. For example as in India the cast system which has divided the Hindus into different casts, restricts them from adopting a better standard of living. People who belong to lower classes do not have the right to eat and sit between people belonging to high casts. 2. Democratic and institutional weakness: One reason for violation in civil and political rights is because of bad governance, democratic and institutional weakness in developing countries. Power exists in the hands of few people or in hands of those awarded through heredity. People are not given right to vote; right to choose the kind of life they want to live. 3. Economic instability, Lack of resources and unequal distribution of resources: Economic instability is major factor in failure of certain developing countries in human rights violations. These societies do not have the means to facilitate their citizens with basic social and economical rights. Another reason for human rights violation in developing countries is the lack of resources. Inefficiency in allocation of resources such as food and health facilities, housing and other results in violence in society. In this way people are forced to live in bad situations. Unequal distribution of resources creates differences in society where large differences are created between rich and poor. 4. In many societies a number of human rights violations are accepted culturally. There are certain practices taking place in these societies which are not considered as violation of human rights. In fact these practices have been part of the culture of the area for such a long time that these practices have become traditions. No one looks at it as violation of human rights. Such as in some societies of the developing countries womens are not given right to vote, girls are denied right to education and practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) have become traditions in these societies. 5. Corruption and violence is a major contributing factor in violation of human rights in developing countries. Major threats of human rights faced by these nations is the result of corruption. Violence created as a result of the above factors are depriving humans of their basic needs and resulting in violation their basic rights. ASPECTS OF POVERTY AND HUMAN RIGHTS Poverty is condition in which an individual, a family or society is deprived from basic economic necessities required for living. Poverty leads to human rights violation. A poor person faces many types of abuses, stress and difficulties. When an individual does not have the right to proper standard of living, proper food, proper health facilities, education, to adequate housing and income, results in violation of human rights. Most of the various aspects of poverty can be considered as the denials of ones right to a decent living. Poverty leads to bad standard of living. Everyone has the right to live a life in which all basic facilities are available. Some aspects of poverty and human rights are given below, 1. Poverty and Child labor: In developing countries the ratio of child labor is very high due to the fact that in these countries as there is economic instability, discrimination and poverty, families of poor people have to work very hard to earn and compete for a proper living. In such societies children work along with their parents due to which the child gets no education due to which the ration of child labor has increased in the past few years in developing countries. 2. Poverty and Women rights: Over one million people around the world are living a life of poverty and majority of them are females. Poverty results in discrimination in women rights in many ways. It results in limitation of a womens access to power, education, health facilities, job etc. In some cases it has been seen as there is increase in poverty, the female of the house would limit everything and focus on her family so as to meet their needs. This way the female neglects her own basic rights just for the sake of her family. Increase in domestic and sexual violence is a major factor resulting in women poverty. 3. Poor societies face much discrimination: Poor societies are treated unfairly which is a major barrier to achieving their human rights. Poor people do not have access to many facilities. In some societies ethnic background and racism leads to poverty. As example of India is coated earlier where due to cast system people face discrimination whereby human rights of an individual or community is violated or completely denied. When people do not have the basic necessities and live a life of poverty, it results in imbalance in society, creating violence and an unsustainable society. Poor communities do not participate in decision making which leads to bad policy making. 4. Violence and poverty: Violence in poor communities is caused as a result of poverty. When people are denied their basic rights (right to food, adequate living, health facilities, employment and freedom), they adopt certain methods which results in violence in society. Discrimination between poor and rich in providing jobs and education creates frustration which results in violence leading to violation of human rights. 5. Poverty leads to unsustainable living: When individuals in a society or country are not given the basic rights of living leads to an unsustainable living. ASPECTS OF TERRORISM AND SECURITY ASPECTS OF HUMAN RIGHTS The increase in conflicts with nations and the religious conflicts has initiated the increase and deterioration of human rights globally. 1. Migration: Increase in war on terrorism has resulted in migration of thousands of people within their own countries or to other countries. People leave their homes and property in search of a peaceful place to live. First their right to live is deteriorated and secondly the area they migrate to is totally new to them. These people face many problems. They live in tents no matter how harsh the climatic conditions are, they are treated as strangers in the new place, have difficulty in getting employment and are treated as violence creators. There are many examples of such incidents; the recent is the Roma Gypsys from Italy. 2. Increase in prisoners and abductions: Terrorism has increased the abduction of people to places where human rights are totally violated. Disappearance and detention of prisoners and keeping them in jails without trail or fair trial. Human abuse is increasing with the increase in establishment of detention cells and camps like Guantanamo Bay and increase in handing of suspects to be engaged in terrorist activities. Up till now no one knows how many detention cells or camps are present and up till now due to this so called war on terrorism, how many individuals including men, women and children have been detained or killed. 3. Security is the basic right of every citizen of a country, which is the duty of the Government and other local agencies. But unfortunately Governments have adopted such methods to control terrorism as torture, which are resulting in increase in insecurity of citizens. Killing and incidents of abuse, rape, kidnapping, robbery increases. 4. Terrorism creates an environment of distrust, violence, affects human security and dignity, destroys democratic setup of society, creates fear in society, negatively affects the social and economical development of the country, results in violation of human rights and threatens the security of the state. 5. One aspect of increase in terrorism and insecurity affecting the human rights is the destruction and disturbance these activities cause. These activities causes mass destruction of public, private and personal buildings. It creates fear in society. The daily routine lives of citizens is badly affected. As in the case of suicide attacks in any country or such acts results in violation of human rights. People do not feel safe and decrease their outdoor activities. Damage to property, shop, office or factory decreases the labor of an individual thus affecting the livelihood and income in an already economically instable country. REFRENCES: http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?id=ENGAMR410382005lang=e. http://www.adnkronos.com/AKI/English/Security/?id=3.1.108305094 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/mar/15/china-migrant-workers-children-education http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2009/04/29/mexico-hold-military-account-rights-abuses http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/army-accused-of-human-rights-abuse-in-case-of-iraqis-held-without-trial-for-five-years-847457.html http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146286.php
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Introduction to Web Hosting Essay
Hosting your web site on your own server is always an option. Here are some problems to consider: Hardware Expenses To run a â€Å"real†web site, you will have to buy some powerful server hardware. Don’t expect that a low cost PC will do the job. You will also need a permanent (24 hours a day ) high speed connection to your office, and such connections are expensive. Software Expenses Don’t forget to count the extra cost for software licenses. Remember that server licenses often are much higher than client licenses. Also note that some server software licenses might have limits on number of concurrent users. Labor Expenses Don’t expect low labor expenses. Remember that you have to install your own hardware and software. You also have to deal with bugs and viruses, and keep your server constantly running in an environment where â€Å"everything could happen†. Using an Internet Service Provider Renting a server from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a common option. Here are some advantages: Connection Speed Most providers have very fast connections to the Internet, like full T3 fiber-optic 45Mps connections equivalent to about 2000 traditional (28K) modems or 1000 high speed (56K) modems. Powerful Hardware Service providers often have many powerful web servers that can be shared by several companies. You can also expect them to have an effective load balancing, and necessary backup servers. Security and Stability Internet Service Providers are specialists on web hosting. Expect their servers to have more than 99% up time, the latest software patches, and the best virus protection. Things to Consider 24-hour support Make sure your Internet service provider offers 24-hours support. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you cannot fix critical problems without having to wait until the next working day. Toll-free phone could be vital if you don’t want to pay for long distance calls. Daily Backup Make sure your service provider runs a secure daily backup routine, otherwise you may lose some valuable data. Traffic Volume Study the provider’s traffic volume restrictions. Make sure that you don’t have to pay a fortune for unexpected high traffic if your web site becomes popular. Bandwidth or Content Restrictions Study the provider’s bandwidth and content restrictions. If you plan to publish pictures or broadcast video or sound, make sure that you can. Email Capabilities Make sure your provider fully supports the email capabilities you need. You can read more about email capabilities in a later chapter) Front Page Extensions Make sure your provider fully supports FrontPage server extensions if you plan to use FrontPage to develop your site. Database Access Make sure your provider fully supports the database access you need if you plan to use databases from you r site. (You can read more about database access in a later chapter) Hosting and Domain Names A Domain Name is a unique name for your web site. Choosing a hosting solution should include domain name registration. Your domain name should be easy to remember and easy to type. What is a Domain Name? A domain name is a unique name for a web site, like microsoft. com and w3schools. com. Domain names must be registered. When domain names are registered they are added to a large domain name register, and information about your site – including your internet IP address – is stored on a DNS server. DNS stands for Domain Name System. A DNS server is responsible for informing all other computers on the Internet about your domain name and your site address. Registering a Domain Domains can be registered from domain name registration companies such as http://www. otdnr. com. These companies provide interfaces to search for available domain names and they offer a variety of domain name extensions that can be registered at the same time. Domain Name Registration provides registration services for . com . net . org . biz . info . us . nu . ws . cc and . tv domains. Newer domain extensions such as . biz . info and . us have more choices available as many o f the popular domains have yet to be taken. While . com and . net domains are well established and recognized, most popular domains with these extensions are already registered. Choosing Your Domain Choosing a domain is a major step for any individual or organization. While domains are being registered at a record, new domain extensions and creative thinking still offer thousands of excellent choices. When selecting a name it is important to consider the purpose of a domain name, which is to provide people an easy way to reach your web site. The best domains have the following characteristics: Short – People don’t like to type! The shorter your domain, the easier it is to reach and the less are the chance the user will make a typographical error while typing it. Meaningful – A short domain is nothing without meaning, 34i4nh69. com is only 8 characters long but would not be easy to enter or remember. Select a domain that relates to your site in a way that people will understand. Clear – Clarity is important when selecting a domain name. You should avoid selecting a name that is difficult to spell or pronounce. Also, pay close attention to how your domain sounds and how effectively it can be communicated over the phone. Exposure: Just like premium real-estate on the ground that gets the most exposure, names that are short and easy to remember are an asset. In addition to humans viewing your domain, you should consider search engines. Search engines index your site and rank it for relevance against terms people search for online. In order to maximize your sites exposure, consider including a relevant search term in your domain. Of course, this should only be considered if it still maintains a short, clear and meaningful domain. Sub Domains Most people are unaware but they already use sub domains on a daily basis. The famous â€Å"www†of the World Wide Web is the most common example of a sub domain. Sub domains can be created on a DNS server and they don’t need to be registered with a domain registrar, of course, the original domain would need to be registered before a sub domain could be created. Common examples of sub domains used on the internet are http://store. apple. com and http://support. microsoft. com. Sub domains can be requested from your web hosting provider or created by yourself if you manage your own DNS server. False Domain Names – Directory Listings Some providers will offer you a unique name under their own name like: www. theircompany. com/yourcompany/ This is not a real domain name, it is a directory – and you should try to avoid it. These URLs are not desirable, especially for companies. Try to avoid them if you can afford to register a domain. Typically these are more commonly used for personal sites and free sites provided by your ISP, you may have seen www. theircompany. com/~username as a common address, this is just another way to share a single domain and provide users their own address. Open competition in domain name registration has brought about a dramatic decrease in pricing so domain sharing is far less common since people can register their own domains for only $15 per year. Expired Domains Another source for domain registrations is expired domains. When you register a domain, think of it as a rental, assuming there are no legal or trademark issues with the domain name, you are free to use it as long as you continue to pay the yearly fee (you can now also register in advance as many as 10 years). Some people register domains as speculators, hoping that they can later sell them, while others may have planned to use a domain and never had the time. The result is that domains that were previously registered regularly become available for registration again. You can see, and search through a list of recently expired domains for free at http://www. dotdnr. com. If you wish to register an expired domain you pay the same fee as you would for a new registration. Use Your Domain Name After you have chosen – and registered – your own domain name, make sure you use it on all your web pages and on all your correspondence, like email and traditional mail. It is important to let other people be aware of your name, and to inform your partners and customers about your web site. DotDNR DotDNR offers . com . net . org . ws . cc and . v domains for as little as $15 per year. In addition, you can transfer your domain to DotDNR and add a full year to your existing registration for only $15. Save $20 or more over other major registrars. International domain name registration is also offered. www. dotdnr. com Hosting Capacities Make sure you get the disk space and the traffic volume you need. How Much Disk Space? A small or medium web site wi ll need between 10 and 100MB of disk space. If you look at the size of HTML pages, you will see that the average size is very small. Maybe even smaller than 1KB. But if you look at the size of the images (button, gif, banner, jpg) used inside the pages, you will often find images many times larger than the page itself. Expect each HTML page to take up between 5 and 50KB of disk space on your web server, depending on the use of images or other space consuming elements. If you plan to use lots of images or graphic elements (not to mention sound files or movies), you might be needing much more disk space. Make sure that you know your needs before you start looking for your web host. Monthly Traffic A small or medium web site will consume between 1GB and 5GB of data transfer per month. You can calculate this by multiplying your average page size with the number of expected page views per month. If your average page size is 30KB and you expect 50,000 page views per month, you will need 0. 03MB x 50,000 = 1. 5GB. Larger, commercial sites often consume more than 100GB of monthly traffic. Before you sign a contract with a host provider, make sure to check this: * What are the restrictions on monthly transfer * Will your site be closed if you exceed the volume * Will you be billed a fortune if you exceed the volume * Will my future need be covered * Is upgrading a simple task Connection Speed Visitors to your web site will often connect via a modem, but your host provider should have a much faster connection. In the early days of the Internet a T1 connection was considered a fast connection. Today connection speeds are much faster. 1 byte equals to 8 bits (and that’s the number of bits used to transport one character). Low speed communication modems can transport from about 14 000 to 56 000 bits per second (14 to 56 kilobits per second). That is somewhere between 2000 and 7000 characters per second, or about 1 to 5 pages of written text. One kilobit (Kb) is 1024 bits. One megabit (Mb) is 1024 kilobits. One gigabit (Gb) is 1024 megabits. These are connection speeds used on the Internet today: Name Connection Speed per second Modem Analog 14. 4-56Kb D0 Digital (ISDN) 64Kb T1 Digital 1. 55Mb T3 Digital 43Mb OC-1 Optical Carrier 52Mb OC-2 Optical Carrier 156Mb OC-12 Optical Carrier 622Mb OC-24 Optical Carrier 1. 244Gb OC-48 Optical Carrier 2. 488Gb Before you sign up a contract with any hosting provider, surf some other web sites on their servers, and try to get a good feeling about their network speed. Also compare the other sites against yours, to see if it looks like you have the same needs. Contacting some of the other customers is also a valuable option. Hosting Email Services Hosting services should include proper Email Accounts and Email Services. Email Accounts Hosting solutions should include email accounts for each person in your company. Email addresses should appear like this: peter@mycompany. com paul@mycompany. com mary@mycompany. com Most common is to use first name or first initial and last name. POP Email POP stands for Post Office Protocol. POP is a standard client/server protocol for sending and receiving email. The emails are received and held on your internet server until you pick it up with a client email program, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc. POP email programs are built into Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers (i. e. Microsoft Outlook Express). IMAP Email IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. IMAP is another standard protocol for sending and receiving email. The emails are received and held on your internet server until you pick it up with a client email program, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc. IMAP represents an improvement over POP because email stored on an IMAP server can be manipulated from several computers (a computer at home, a workstation at the office, etc. ) without having to transfer messages back and forth between computers. POP was designed to support email access on a single computer. Web-based Email Web-based email services enable you to access email via a web browser. You log into your email account via the Web to send and retrieve email. Being able to access your email from any browser anywhere in the world is a very attractive option. Examples of web-based email services are Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail. Email Forwarding Email forwarding allows you to have multiple email personalities. With email forwarding, you can setup aliases for other email accounts like postmaster@mycompany. com should be forwarded to peter@mycompany. com sales@mycompany. com should be forwarded to mary@mycompany. com Mailing Lists Some service providers offer mailing list capabilities. This is a valuable plus if you plan sending out email to a large number of users. Hosting Email Services This section describes some of the most common hosting technologies. Windows Hosting Windows hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Windows operating system. You should choose Windows hosting if you plan to use ASP (Active Server Pages) as server scripting, or if you plan to use a database like Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. Windows hosting is also the best choice if you plan to develop your web site using Microsoft Front Page. Unix Hosting Unix hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Unix operating system. Unix was the first (original) web server operating system, and it is known for being reliable and stable. Often less expensive than Windows. Linux Hosting Linux hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Linux operating system. CGI Web pages can be executed as CGI scripts. CGI scripts are executables that will execute on the server to produce dynamic and interactive web pages. Most Internet service providers will offer some kind of CGI capabilities. And many will offer preinstalled, ready to run, guest-books, page-counters, and chat-forums solutions written in CGI scripts. The use of CGI is most common on Unix or Linux servers. ASP – Active Server Pages Active Server Pages is a server-side scripting technology developed by Microsoft. With ASP you can create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser. Both Visual Basic and JavaScript can be used. ASP is a standard component in Windows 95,98, 2000, and XP. It can be activated on all computers running Windows. Many web hosting providers are offering ASP, as it is becoming a more and more popular technology. If you want to learn more about ASP, please visit our ASP tutorial. Chili! Soft ASP Microsoft’s ASP technology runs only on Windows platforms. However, Chili! Soft ASP is a software product that allows ASP to run on UNIX and some other platforms. JSP JSP is a server-side technology much like ASP developed by Sun. With JSP you can create dynamic web pages by putting Java code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser. Since JSP uses Java, the technology is not restricted to any server-specific platform. FrontPage FrontPage is a very common web site design tool developed by Microsoft. FrontPage allows users to develop a web site without any deep knowledge of web development. Most Windows hosting solutions support FrontPage server extensions for users that use FrontPage to develop their web site. If you plan to use FrontPage, you should look for a Windows hosting solution (meaning not Unix / Linux). PHP Just like ASP, PHP is a server-side scripting language which allows you to create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser. Cold Fusion Web Hosting Database Technologies SQL Server or Oracle for high traffic database-driven web sites. Access or MySQL for low traffics database-access. Web Databases If your web site needs to update large quantities of information via the web, you will need a database to store your information. There are many different database systems available for web hosting. The most common are MS Access, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. Using the SQL Language SQL is the language for accessing databases. If you want your web site to be able to store and retrieve data from a database, your web server should have access to a database-system that uses the SQL language. If you want to learn more about SQL, please visit our SQL tutorial. SQL Server Microsoft’s SQL Server is one of the most popular database software for database-driven web sites with high traffic. SQL Server is a very powerful, robust and full featured SQL database system. Oracle Oracle is also a very popular database software for database-driven web sites with high traffic. Oracle is a very powerful, robust and full featured SQL database system. Access When a web site requires a simple database solution, Microsoft Access is a very popular option. Access is not well suited for very high-traffic, and not as powerful as Oracle or SQL Server. MySQL MySQL is also a popular database software for web sites. MySQL is an inexpensive alternative to the expensive Microsoft and Oracle solutions. Web Hosting Types Hosting can be FREE, SHARED or DEDICATED. Free Hosting Some service providers offer free web hosting. Free web hosting is best suited for small sites with low traffic, like family sites or sites about hobbies. It is not recommended for high traffic or for real business. Technical support is often limited, and technical options are few. Very often you cannot use your own domain name at a free site. You have to use a name provided by your host like http://www. reesite/users/~yoursite. htm. This is hard to type, hard to remember, and not very professional. Good: Bad: Low cost. It’s free. No domain names. Good for family, hobby or personal sites. Few, limited, or no software options. Free email is often an option. Limited security options. Limited or no database support. Limited technical support. Shared (Virtual) Hosting S hared hosting is very common, and very cost effective. With shared hosting, your web site is hosted on a powerful server along with maybe 100 other web sites. On a shared host it is common that each web site have their own domain name. Shared solutions often offer multiple software solutions like email, database, and many different editing options. Technical support tends to be good. Good: Bad: Low cost. Cost is shared with others. Reduced security due to many sites on one server. Good for small business and average traffic. Restrictions on traffic volume. Multiple software options. Restricted database support. Own domain name. Restricted software support. Good support Dedicated Hosting With dedicated hosting your web site is hosted on a dedicated server. Dedicated hosting is the most expensive form of hosting. The solution is best suited for large web sites with high traffic, and web sites that use special software. You should expect dedicated hosting to be very powerful and secure, with almost unlimited software solutions. Good: Bad: Good for large business. Expensive. Good for high traffic. Requires higher skills. Multiple domain names. Powerful email solutions. Powerful database support. Strong (unlimited) software support. Collocated Hosting Collocation means â€Å"co-location†. It is a solution that lets you place (locate) your own web server on the premises (locations) of a service provider. This is pretty much the same as running your own server in your own office, only that it is located at a place better designed for it. Most likely a provider will have dedicated resources like high-security against fire and vandalism, regulated backup power, dedicated Internet connections and more. Good: Bad: High bandwidth. Expensive. High up-time. Requires higher skills. High security. Harder to configure and debug. Unlimited software options. Your Checklist Before you choose your web host, make sure that: * The hosting type suits your current needs * The hosting type is cost effective Upgrading to a better server is a possible solution * If needed, upgrading to a dedicated server is possible Before you sign up a contract with any hosting provider, surf some other web sites on their servers, and try to get a good feeling about their network speed. Also compare the other sites against yours, to see if it looks like you have the same needs. Contacting some of the other customers is a lso a valuable option. Web Hosting E-Commerce If you are selling a product or a service, e-commerce might be a smart way to do business. Internet Commerce E-Commerce is about selling products or services over the Internet. If you are selling a product or a service, e-commerce might be a smart way to do business. Over the Internet you can reach a large number of customers. E-Commerce Systems It is not a very good idea to build your own e-commerce system. Some (larger) companies might do it, but we will not recommend it if you run a smaller business. Building an e-commerce system is a complicated process, with the potential for a lot of errors. You might buy a ready-to-use system and run it on your own server. Many systems are available on the market today, and most of them will cover your basic needs for order management and processing. But again, if you are not familiar with hosting your own web site, starting with an e-commerce site is not the right thing. The best solution, in our opinion, is to find a hosting provider that offers an e-commerce solution. Hosting Providers E-commerce covers a very huge range of products. With different hosting providers you will find anything from very simple to very complex solutions. Most providers will offer a simple and inexpensive solution that allow you to run your own â€Å"virtual store†. Your Checklist * How does it handle customers? * How does it handle product catalogs? * How does it handle orders? How does it handle inventory? * How does it handle back orders? * How does it handle shipment? * How does it handle accounts? * How does it handle billing? * How does it handle payment? * How does it handle foreign currency? * How does it handle credit cards? * How does it handle taxes? * How does it handle security? * How does it handle integrity (encryption)? Also ch eck if the most time-consuming tasks are automated. Look for automated billing, invoice handling, accounting, and report generation. Before you sign up a contract with any hosting provider, surf some other e-commerce sites on their servers. Find out how it works. Actually try some shopping and see if you get a good feeling. Also compare the other sites against yours, to see if it looks like you have the same needs. Contacting some of the other customers is also a valuable option. Tax Issues Taxes is a complex issue for most on-line stores. Especially VAT (Value Added Tax). If you are selling on-line, you will most likely be in the export business. Trading with different countries is easy, but tax issues might be tricky. Exporting goods may not be the subject of VAT in your country, but often your customers will have to pay their local VAT when they pick up the goods. In addition, there will be the issue of income tax for your shop, depending on how you report your income from sales. Before starting an on-line store, be sure to consult your tax adviser. Cold Fusion is another server-side scripting language used to develop dynamic web pages. Cold Fusion is developed by Macromedia. Secure Server A secure server can transmit data encrypted. If you plan to do online credit card transactions, or other types of web communication that needs to be protected against unauthorized access, your web host must provide a secure server. Previous
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Watergate Of American Politics - 1560 Words
In 1972, the biggest scandal in American politics occurred at the Watergate complex. For years, the struggle to reveal secret of who masterminded this operation occupied the courts in Washington D.C. The Committee for the Re-election of the President (CRP) fought to keep President Richard Nixon s name clear throughout the confessions of the Watergate burglars and of men inside the White House. From 1972 until 2017, many other national scandals have been publicized to the nation, but current political controversies such as President Trump s Russia scandal and Hillary Clinton s email mishap rival Watergate. The Watergate Scandal changed the security measures taken during presidential campaigns and began an era of political scandals.†¦show more content†¦Operatives working for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP) burglarize the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Washington, DC Watergate office complex. About a month later, the burglars returned to the co mplex and were arrested on June 17. On August 20, 1972: Nixon announces that John Dean, a White House counsel, has investigated the situation and found no one in the White House was involved. On March 17, 1973, John Dean told President Nixon, â€Å"We have a cancer – within – close to the Presidency, that’s growing.†He tells the president that the burglars are demanding money and that maybe one million dollars would be needed in the end. â€Å"We could get that†¦,†the president replies. Between March 19 and March 23, James W. McCord, Jr., the first of the president s men to take the fall for the scandal, wrote a letter to the judge claiming pressure had been applied to the defendants to ensure silence, among other confessions (APPENDIX #1). Chief Judge John Sirica made the letter public and threatened harsh punishment, anywhere from twenty to forty years in prison, to force the defendants’ cooperation. Then on June 3, 1973, John Dean told investigators that he discussed the cover-up of the scandal with Nixon at least 35 times. Later that month, on June 25, Dean testifies before the Senate Watergate committee claiming Nixon was involved in the cover-up soon after the break-in and that the White House hadShow MoreRelatedWatergate Scandal Essay1256 Words  | 6 Pagesthe most unusual presidencies in American history. Nixon quickly took a different approach from the men that came before him; although he entered office at a trying time for the American people, he insisted that the public needed the hard facts, not inspirational speeches. However, after winning the election Nixon gave in to his advisors’ desires for an uplifting message, and promised the public that his administration would be committed to â€Å"bringing the American people together†. While Nixon rarelyRead MoreThe Stains of Watergate1568 Words  | 6 Pagesmidnight shift at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. He discovered tape over a basement door lock and thinking none of it, he removed the tape. On another inspection round, he found the lock taped over again and called the police. They locked the doors, turned off the elevators, and started checking darkened offices. At 2:30 a.m. on the 6th floor of the Watergate complex, the police discovered five men who were identified as the PlumbersRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal Of America1003 Words  | 5 Pages Manuel Chavez 5/15/2015 The Watergate Scandal The Watergate Scandal stands as one of the most heinous out brakes in United States History. As described in this article â€Å"The scandal had revealed to voters not only the abuse of power of the Nixon administration, but a political culture of corruption , viciousness and double-dealing that shocked the public†(Government). Not only did this scandal impact the trust of many Americans but it inspired a renowned artisan, Stevie Wonder! DueRead MoreThe Resignation of President Richard Nixon Essay1371 Words  | 6 PagesLegal Brief/Background During the year of 1972, a case submerged that shook the United State Supreme Court, as well as the world. Five intruders were caught breaking and entering into the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. The Democratic National Headquarters were responsible for various things, but one key aspect of their job was to raise money and organize campaigns for Democratic candidates, including the presidential candidate, George McGovern. SoonRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights Of The United States1665 Words  | 7 Pagestrust of our executive office was shaken by a corrupt Nixon administration and its scandalous ways. On June 17,1972, American politics changed forever, leaving many Americans questioning their leaders and looking deeper into the presidency of their country. That Saturday morning, several burglars were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National Committee inside the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. These individuals were caught attempting to wiretap phones and steal secret documentsRead MoreWatergate722 Words  | 3 Pagesstory of Watergate is both historically and politically interesting. It began to occur from the Pentagon Papers, in which Daniel Ellsberg handed over to the press. The Pentagon Papers contained secret documents outlining the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam (p.848).These secret documents would bring to light the deception of the the morning of June 17, 1972, at 2:30 a.m. 5 burglars were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National Committee, located inside of the Watergate buildingRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal Essay example1189 Wo rds  | 5 Pages amp;#65279;Watergate, the popular name for the political scandal and constitutional crisis which broke out in 1972 during the presidential reign of Richard Nixon, remains a mysterious happening even today. Some details, people, events, degrees of involvement, and reasons are still unresolved. But what began as a third-rate burglary on June 17, 1972 escalated into a full- blown scandal that had a resounding effect on how many Americans viewed the government of their country. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;RichardRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal1543 Words  | 7 Pagesgoal was to represent and satisfy the needs of the American people. Unfortunately, over the last fifty years, our trust in our administrative representatives has drastically declined. Beginning with the great conspiracy theory that President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 was actually planned by political leaders, America had, for the first time in history, begun to question its faith in its very own government. Consequently, the American people became extremely hesitant when it came to electingRead MoreCtu History 101 Ip31029 Words  | 5 PagesModern American History: 1950 to the 21st Century (HIST101) Colorado Technical University For this project I am going to discuss two different articles about President Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. The first article is â€Å"The Washington Post Editorial Watergate: The unfinished business.†The other article that I will be discussing and comparing is one written by Dean Burch. â€Å"In Defense of Richard Nixon.†I will provide a brief summary of the two arguments as well as describe how theRead MoreWatergate740 Words  | 3 PagesWatergate Lucia San Nicolas HIS/145 October 19, 2011 Marciano Flores Watergate The Watergate scandal shocked millions of Americans when it was revealed in 1972. The president at that time was Richard M. Nixon, who himself was involved within the scandal. The Watergate scandal took place in 1972 when a group of five men broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex in Washington. The five men involved in this burglary were eventually
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Gay Marriage Should be Legalized Essays - 1696 Words
There are numerous opinions and standing views on gay marriage. The argument regarding gay marriage should be legalized or not is extremely controversial. According to an article from the Human Rights Campaign, there is nothing wrong with allowing homosexuals to have the same rights as those who are heterosexual. Every individual person should be granted equal rights, regardless of sexuality. Gay marriage should be legalized in all states and countries, it has been held off for too long. Moreover, there are several reasons why homosexuals feel strongly about wanting to be legally married. One reason that is most commonly heard is, they want to legally show their love for each other by having a marriage license. Homosexuals want the†¦show more content†¦If they are denied these rights due to the fact they are not married, they can never get the chance to receive these advantages since they cannot wed. No matter how this is looked at, it is not right in any way at all. Especia lly if the two people in the same-sex relationship have been together for a long time, they should be able to receive these rights as well as heterosexual married couples. However, people may argue that there are other ways for same-sex couples to be legally tied together. This would be by going through a civil union. This is true but, a civil union is hardly the same as a wedding, â€Å"comparing marriage to civil unions is a bit like comparing diamonds to rhinestones†(91). Couples who do a civil union have to do it in Vermont and stay there. There is also no guarantee that protections will go where the couple travels to (90). With that being said, even though there is a way for them to get â€Å"legally†tied together, it is not the same. They still do not have the freedom they want or the choice to go where they want to have a civil union. Civil unions are great temporarily or as another option but, all in all it does not replace an actual marriage. Gay marriages s hould be allowed to those that wish for one. In addition, same-sex couples may want to get married for many reasons but, there are several valid points as to why they should be allowed. It is not just based on wanting to be able to wed but, why they actually should get theShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Should Be Legalized938 Words  | 4 Pages Gay marriage is in fact a controversial topic that many people feel strongly about. I believe that gay marriage should be legalized without being penalized by people who disagree with it. I will, within reason, explain to you why gay marriage should be legalized and argue against Karlee’s essay about why gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized. The first thing Karlee talks about in her opposing essay is, â€Å"Children of same-sex couples, biological or not, need both a mother and a father inRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?1313 Words  | 6 PagesCredit – Should gay marriage be legalized? Marriage is considered to be the rite of passage from an religious point of view, it is considered as holy matrimony before the eyes of God. Attraction between individuals of the same sex has been a topic of debate. However, over the past few years gay individuals made a decision to our grievances of oppression despite receiving tremendous critics from the public. Initially, gay marriagesRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?935 Words  | 4 PagesThere is a lot of controversy about gay marriage and whether or not it should be legalized in certain states that haven t yet legalized it. My opinion on this topic is that it should not be legalized for various reasons. My reasons on this have nothing to do with religion because religion shouldn’t have anything to do with their opinion; religion is a biased opinion because of its authenticity. Another thing that shouldn’t be considered is their opinio n that doesn’t have a reasoning behind it likeRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?1705 Words  | 7 PagesPaper Option 1 Gay marriage has and still is a huge controversy in the United States. I will say though that the U.S. has come along way when it comes to same-sex marriage. As of November 20, 2014 gay marriage is now legal in thirty-five of the fifty U.S. states. Massachusetts was the first state to legalize same-sex marriage in May of two thousand and four. As of October ninth two-thousand and fourteen, only sixteen out of one hundred and ninety-four countries allow same sex marriage. By those oddsRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized1379 Words  | 6 PagesName: Tutor: Course: Date: Gay Marriages Marriage is considered as hypothetically speaking, a rite of passage whilst from the religious point of view, it is considered as holy matrimony before a supreme being. Attraction between individuals of the same sex has been a topic of debate since time immemorial. However, over the past few years gay individuals have opted to air grievances of oppression despite receiving tremendous critics from the public. Initially, gay marriages were unfathomable eventsRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Essay1828 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction What does it mean to be gay and why does society discriminate against those who are deemed to be gay? This paper establishes that being gay is primarily based on the supposition that one is either homosexual, transgender, lesbian, or bisexual. It also establishes that one of the primary reasons why gays are discriminated against within the society is religion; that some of the views held by different religious conclaves substantiate gay rejection by the society. On a more personal ratherRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized1280 Words  | 5 Pagescommunity and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. They are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop because gay and lesbian couples are law-abidingRead More Should gay marriages be legalized? Essay1504 Words  | 7 Pages Should same sex marriages be legal? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Same-sex marriages have been very controversial since becoming an issue in Canada regarding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Several people state that same-sex marriages should be legal, while others disagree, saying it should not be permitted. There have been many debates and inquiries about this issue for several years; the MP’s and Parliament will finally settle the problem within the next year or so. Many are in favourRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?727 Words  | 3 Pages Everyone, regardless of gender orientation or sexual preference deserves equal rights, such as marriage, feeling comfortable with whom they are, and being treated like any other human being. Right now gay marriage is a hot topic in many states, however, what say should the government get in who you love and want to marry? Beyond a court room, research has been done on the idea of transgenderism and what causes people to be like that or if people are truly born in the wrong bodyRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Essay464 Words  | 2 PagesMarriage is defined as the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life. In the definition it says couple, with out indication of gender. In our society gay marriage is a hot topic. Previously legalizing gay marriage was out of the question, but as times has changed and more liberal politicians have gained office to reflect the views of today’s society. One of the reasons that LGBT people fight for the right to marry because married couples receive more protections and advantages in
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