Saturday, November 30, 2019
The And The Pursuit Of Happiness Essay Example For Students
The And The Pursuit Of Happiness Essay Equality is defined as being equal in means of status, rights, and opportunities. Inequality is mostly seen between the sexes, races, and also for graffiti artist. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.†Although these rights remain unalienable, today’s society has become an unjust and unequal one which places people at the top based upon certain characteristics; such as sex, race, or even wealth. We have a statement of this â€Å"scale of unfairness†on our very street. We will write a custom essay on The And The Pursuit Of Happiness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The art depicts two scales on one side is the male sex symbol outweighing the female sex symbol which is located on the other side. You see this work of art downtown on Tejon Street. The majority of the Colorado Springs population, white males, are in uproar about this horrific â€Å"graffiti†that taints our town and corrupts our streets. It is our duty as a community, despite opposition, to keep this art work as a reflection of today’s unbalanced society and that we must change the unequal circumstances that women have to face be it in the workforces or just opportunity wise. The term graffiti it is described as writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. Due to this definition, most people automatically combine graffiti with illegal activity. Therefore, it is considered an illicit or illegal activity simply it is done in a public space. Graffiti it is misunderstood and misrepresented by the media; they twist it into vandalism and call it a gateway into other crimes. How can art be a gateway into stealing and murdering? Society just want. .he is a woman. Infanticide, the killing of female babies, is still predominant in areas all over the world. Mothers rid themselves of girl children so that they don’t have to worry about dishonor or providing a dowry. This killing of females is also represented in the art. This artwork should remain on Tejon Street as a reminder as how far we have come as women and how we have much work ahead of us in order to get true equality. This masterpiece not only depicts the struggle of equality between the sexes, but also the struggle of street artists trying to be taken seriously as the real innovative composers they truly are. Therefore for the growth of our community as a whole we need to keep this up to start the change in the inequality of the sexes. As we progress to true equality we create a more equal word, and a more equal world creates more opportunities for all.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Contraceptives essays
Contraceptives essays CONTRACEPTIVE USE AT FIRST INTERCOURSE The 1995 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) report on contraceptive use at First intercourse presented tables of data based on women population 15 to 44 years of age in the U.S. who had voluntary premarital intercourse. The tables illustrate percentages of women that used contraceptives and selected methods of contraceptives during first time intercourse. This information is broken down by age, race and Hispanic origin, and year of first intercourse. The data indicates that in general contraceptive use during first time intercourse increases with age. As illustrated in the age group table, only 51.4 percent of teenagers under 16 years of age used contraceptives during first time intercourse as opposed to 65.6 percent of women 20 years of age and over. There was however, a slight decrease in percentage from 61.5 to 60.0 percent in women 18 to 19 years of age, respectively. In terms of race, the overall trend indicates that Hispanic women were the group least likely to! use contraceptives during first time intercourse. In comparison to non-Hispanic white 64.8 percent, and non-Hispanic black 50.1 percent, only 36.2 percent of Hispanic women used contraception. This trend is supported by data based on first time intercourse between 1990 to 1995 for women grouped by race under 20 years of age, and over 20 years of age. The data illustrates that 52.8 percent of Hispanic women under 20 used contraception, and over the age of 20 there was an increase to 53.7 percent. The data on black women under 20 years of age; 72.1 percent, and over 20 years of age; 72.4 percent. But, when comparing this data to white women, the gap between white and Hispanic women increases even further. White women under 20 years of age; 83.0 percent, and over 20 years of age; 81.5 percent. This raw data, unfortunately, does not give any indication of subgroups within each race group and their socioeconomic statu...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Introduction to the Agricola by Tacitus
Introduction to the Agricola by Tacitus Introduction | The Agricola | Translation Footnotes The Agricola of Tacitus. The Oxford Translation Revised, With Notes. With An Introduction by Edward Brooks, Jr. Very little is known concerning the life of Tacitus, the historian, except that which he tells us in his own writings and those incidents which are related to him by his contemporary, Pliny. The Date of the Birth of Tacitus His full name was Caius Cornelius Tacitus. The date of his birth can only be arrived at by conjecture, and then only approximately. The younger Pliny speaks of him as prope modum aequales, about the same age. Pliny was born in 61. Tacitus, however, occupied the office of quaestor under Vespasian in 78 A.D., at which time he must, therefore, have been at least twenty-five years of age. This would fix the date of his birth not later than 53 A.D. It is probable, therefore, that Tacitus was Plinys senior by several years. Parentage His parentage is also a matter of pure conjecture. The name Cornelius was a common one among the Romans so from the name we can draw no inference. The fact that at an early age he occupied a prominent public office indicates that he was born of good family, and it is not impossible that his father was a certain Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman knight, who was procurator in Belgic Gaul, and whom the elder Pliny speaks of in his Natural History. Tacitus Upbringing Of the early life of Tacitus and the training which he underwent preparatory to those literary efforts which afterward rendered him a conspicuous figure among Roman literateurs we know absolutely nothing. Career Of the events of his life which transpired after he attained mans estate we know but little beyond that which he himself has recorded in his writings. He occupied a position of some eminence as a pleader at the Roman bar, and in 77 A.D. married the daughter of Julius Agricola, a humane and honorable citizen, who was at that time consul and was subsequently appointed the governor of Britain. It is quite possible that this very advantageous alliance hastened his promotion to the office of quaestor under Vespasian. Under Domitian, in 88, Tacitus was appointed one of fifteen commissioners to preside at the celebration of the secular games. In the same year, he held the office of praetor and was a member of one of the most select of the old priestly colleges, in which a prerequisite to membership was that a man should be born of a good family. Travels The following year he appears to have left Rome, and it is possible that he visited Germany and there obtained his knowledge and information respecting the manners and customs of its people which he makes the subject of his work known as the Germany.He did not return to Rome until 93, after an absence of four years, during which time his father-in-law died. Tacitus the Senator Sometime between the years 93 and 97 he was elected to the senate, and during this time witnessed the judicial murders of many of Romes best citizens which were perpetrated under the reign of Nero. Being himself a senator, he felt that he was not entirely guiltless of the crimes which were committed, and in his Agricola we find him giving expression to this feeling in the following words: Our own hands dragged Helvidius to prison; ourselves were tortured with the spectacle of Mauricus and Rusticus, and sprinkled with the innocent blood of Senecio. In 97 he was elected to the consulship as successor to Virginius Rufus, who died during his term of office and at whose funeral Tacitus delivered an oration in such a manner to cause Pliny to say, The good fortune of Virginius was crowned by having the most eloquent of panegyrists. Tacitus and Pliny as Prosecutors In 99 Tacitus was appointed by the senate, together with Pliny, to conduct the prosecution against a great political offender, Marius Priscus, who, as proconsul of Africa, had corruptly mismanaged the affairs of his province. We have his associates testimony that Tacitus made a most eloquent and dignified reply to the arguments which were urged on the part of the defense. The prosecution was successful, and both Pliny and Tacitus were awarded a vote of thanks by the senate for their eminent and effectual efforts in the management of the case. Date of Death The exact date of Tacituss death is not known, but in his Annals he seems to hint at the successful extension of the Emperor Trajans eastern campaigns during the years 115 to 117 so that it is probable that he lived until the year 117. Renown Tacitus had a widespread reputation during his lifetime. On one occasion it is related of him that as he sat in the circus at the celebration of some games, a Roman knight asked him whether he was from Italy or the provinces. Tacitus answered, You know me from your reading, to which the knight quickly replied, Are you then Tacitus or Pliny?It is also worthy of notice that the Emperor Marcus Claudius Tacitus, who reigned during the third century, claimed to be descended from the historian, and directed that ten copies of his works should be published every year and placed in the public libraries. The Works of Tacitus The list of the extant works of Tacitus is as follows: the Germany; the Life of Agricola; the Dialogue on Orators; the Histories, and the Annals. On the Translations Germany The following pages contain translations of the first two of these works. The Germany, the full title of which is Concerning the situation, manners, and inhabitants of Germany, contains little of value from a historical standpoint. It describes with vividness the fierce and independent spirit of the German nations, with many suggestions as to the dangers in which the empire stood of these people. The Agricola is a biographical sketch of the writers father-in-law, who, as has been said, was a distinguished man and governor of Britain. It is one of the authors earliest works and was probably written shortly after the death of Domitian, in 96. This work, short as it is, has always been considered an admirable specimen of a biography on account of its grace and dignity of expression. Whatever else it may be, it is a graceful and affectionate tribute to an upright and excellent man. Dialogue on Orators The Dialogue on Orators treats of the decay of eloquence under the empire. It is in the form of a dialogue and represents two eminent members of the Roman bar discussing the change for the worse that had taken place in the early education of the Roman youth. Histories The Histories relate the events which transpired in Rome, beginning with the accession of Galba, in 68, and ending with the reign of Domitian, in 97. Only four books and a fragment of a fifth have been preserved to us. These books contain an account of the brief reigns of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. The portion of the fifth book which has been preserved contains an interesting, though rather biased account of the character, customs, and religion of the Jewish nation viewed from the standpoint of a cultivated citizen of Rome. Annals The Annals contain the history of the empire from the death of Augustus, in 14, to the death of Nero, in 68, and originally consisted of sixteen books. Of these, only nine have come down to us in a state of entire preservation, and of the other seven we have but fragments of three. Out of a period of fifty-four years, we have the history of about forty. The Style The style of Tacitus is, perhaps, noted principally for its conciseness. Tacitean brevity is proverbial, and many of his sentences are so brief, and leave so much for the student to read between the lines, that in order to be understood and appreciated the author must be read over and over again, lest the reader miss the point of some of his most excellent thoughts. Such an author presents grave, if not insuperable, difficulties to the translator, but notwithstanding this fact, the following pages cannot but impress the reader with the genius of Tacitus. The Life of Cnaeus Julius Agricola [This work is supposed by the commentators to have been written before the treatise on the manners of the Germans, in the third consulship of the emperor Nerva, and the second of Verginius Rufus, in the year of Rome 850, and of the Christian era 97. Brotier accedes to this opinion, but the reason which he assigns does not seem to be satisfactory. He observes that Tacitus, in the third section, mentions the emperor Nerva; but as he does not call him Divus Nerva, the deified Nerva, the learned commentator infers that Nerva was still living. This reasoning might have some weight, if we did not read, in section 44, that it was the ardent wish of Agricola that he might live to behold Trajan in the imperial seat. If Nerva was then alive, the wish to see another in his room would have been an awkward compliment to the reigning prince. It is, perhaps, for this reason, that Lipsius thinks this very elegant tract was written at the same time with the Manners of the Germans, in the beginning of the emperor Trajan. The question is not very material since conjecture alone must decide it. The piece itself is admitted to be a masterpiece in the kind. Tacitus was son-in-law to Agricola; and while filial piety breathes through his work, he never departs from the integrity of his own character. He has left a historical monument highly interesting to every Briton, who wishes to know the manners of his ancestors, and the spirit of liberty that from the earliest time distinguished the natives of Britain. Agricola, as Hume observes, was the general who finally established the dominion of the Romans on this island. He governed it in the reigns of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. He carried his victorious arms northward: defeated the Britons in every encounter, pierced into the forests and the mountains of Caledonia, reduced every state to subjection in the southern parts of the island, and chased before him all the men of fiercer and more intractable spirits, who deemed war and death itself less int olerable than servitude under the victors. He defeated them in a decisive action, which they fought under Galgacus; and having fixed a chain of garrisons between the friths of Clyde and Forth, he cut off the ruder and more barren parts of the island, and secured the Roman province from the incursions of the barbarous inhabitants. During these military enterprises, he neglected not the arts of peace. He introduced laws and civility among the Britons; taught them to desire and raise all the conveniences of life; reconciled them to the Roman language and manners; instructed them in letters and science; and employed every expedient to render those chains, which he had forged, both easy and agreeable to them. (Humes Hist. vol. i. p. 9.) In this passage, Mr. Hume has given a summary of the Life of Agricola. It is extended by Tacitus in a style more open than the didactic form of the essay on the German Manners required, but still with the precision, both in sentiment and diction, peculiar to the author. In rich but subdued colors he gives a striking picture of Agricola, leaving to posterity a portion of history which it would be in vain to seek in the dry gazette-style of Suetonius, or on the page of any writer of that period.] Introduction | The Agricola | Translation Footnotes
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What are the Marxist explanations for the current global economic Essay
What are the Marxist explanations for the current global economic crises - Essay Example Marx argues that the relations of production are initially progressive but deteriorate over time to a point where capitalists are in control of the application of productive forces. The capitalists lack interest in promoting socially beneficial reforms. In a capitalist society, the capitalists benefit most as they are in control of the means of production. As such, they receive a disproportionate share of wealth, power, status and privileges. Marx insists that only labor should earn money and that money should not be used to make more money. As such, capitalists should not receive an income as interest on their savings or investments as they are going to earn income without working (Elster, 1986, P.259). Marxists argue that due capitalism’s insistence on production for profit; a huge gulf exists between production for profit and production to meet needs. Profits are maximized by producing to satisfy the needs of richer people; and as a result, urgent needs of poorer people are neglected (Elster, 1986, P.297). Capitalists engage in savage competition, and there is pressure to develop more efficient production and better technology. Over time, capitalists tend to increase the percentage of capital investment that goes into the machinery and to decrease the percentage put into buying labor. As a result, workers earn less while capitalists increasingly accumulate wealth. Consequently, the workers have less purchasing power and cannot afford the goods produced by capitalists leading to a fall in capitalists’ profits on the long-run (Elster, 1986, P.230). The aggressive competition and accumulation of wealth by capitalists gives rise to a chronic problem of finding profitable outlets for the accumulated capital. The search for outlets has led to important phenomena such as takeover mania, speculation, stock market crashes and financial crisis. More importantly, it has inspired
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Facebook and the Case for Editing Oneself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Facebook and the Case for Editing Oneself - Essay Example I really liked this person I met at a party, who I would just call Alex. I and a friend of mine freely talked about him on my Facebook timeline. I was quite confident because he was not on my friend's list. The next day, I was surprised when I got a call from Alex because, apparently, he learned about the conversation because he was a friend of a Facebook friend, so he had access to my profile. First, it was embarrassing second, it was disastrous because he turned out to be obnoxious and would post in my timeline rude things. I have to delete my profile and not use Facebook for a month.Sethi cited the problem that many users experience with social media: Facebook is accessible almost to anyone. Sometimes we post things that are intended for friends. But then, our Facebook "friends" and our social network are not all composed of friends but other groups such as family, colleagues, future employees, future partners, and so forth. So it is incredibly difficult, to be honest, and post ju st about everything that transpires in our lives because each of these has different standards of propriety. Sethi pointed out, for instance, that she is careful not to post anything such as short haircuts and other things that might be offensive to her conservative family living in Thailand. It is important to note that the data stored on Facebook could be accessed regardless of location and also time. We post pictures or messages that seem alright today but the case might not be true in the future.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Table Manners in China Essay Example for Free
Table Manners in China Essay China is a country with 5000-years-long civilization and a long and rich history, so Chinese like to pay more attention to the etiquette, especially in the table manners. Most foreigners do not know table manners when they join in Chinese dinner party because Western dining is different with Chinese. Chinese table manners have three important parts, including place setting, taboos, and toast. Firstly, the seating arrangement is one of the important parts of dinning etiquette because the order of seating symbolizes the power, and status, the highest status which in the center facing east or facing the entrance. Furthermore, elders, leaders and hosts always sit on the highest status, while children, subordinate staff and other participant seating near the entrance. The second important consideration is table taboos. Most foreigners know chopsticks are the main table utensils in China, but they do not know more strict rules about how to use and set the chopsticks. For example, people should avoid sticking chopsticks straight down into the rice bowl. The reason for this is that Chinese use the incense to stick into a bowl of sand or rice to mourn dead, therefore, the behavior that puts the chopsticks stick into the rice looks like a funeral ritual. Thirdly, everyone must participate in a toast. Chinese often use the right hand to hold the body of glass and the left hand to hold the bottom of glass. Another allowable behavior is many people to propose a toast together to one person, but one person should not propose a toast to many people at a time. Therefore, foreigners joining a Chinese dinner party should consider and follow these rules as respect differences.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Vertebrate Adaptions for Terrestrial Life Essay -- AP-Biology Biology
Vertebrate Adaptions For Terrestrial Life AP-Biology Essay on vertebrate structural adaptations for terrestrial life. Â Â Â Â Â The problems of survival of animals on land are very different from those of survival of animals in aquatic environment. Describe four problems associated with animal survival in terrestrial environments but not in aquatic environments. For each problem, explain a physiological of structural solution. Â Â Â Â Â Four problems faced by animals on land are breathing (respiration), water conservation in excretions, successful reproduction, and the producing an egg which can survive outside of the water. Â Â Â Â Â All animals need to respire, but I have no idea why. Maybe you would like to answer that? Aquatic animals use gills, which are outgrowths from the body which increase surface area over which gas exchange can occur. Inside the gills of aquatic animals, the circulatory system removes oxygen, and delivers waste carbon dioxide. Land vertebrates have developed a different approach to the problem of gas exchange, as water is not present in all of the terrestrial environment. Terrestrial vertebrates have developed lungs to solve this problem. Air enters through the nasal passages, or the mouth, passes through the trachea, then branches off at the two bronchi, and goes through many branching passages called bronchioles, which end in alveoli. Alveoli are sack-like structures where the circulatory system meets the respiratory system. Â Â Â Â Â S...
Monday, November 11, 2019
How important is this cycle to Earth? Essay
The hydrologic cycle or the water cycle is basically the incessant and continuous flow and movement of water, beneath, above, and on the Earth’s surface (Encyclopedia of Earth, 2007). It involves a number of processes such as the changing of water into its different states, namely, vapor, ice, and liquid, as it goes through the different stages of the cycle (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). In addition, since it is a cycle, it does not have a beginning or an end. Basically, in broader terms, the water cycle is a conceptual model of the movement and the storage of water between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). Water is stored in the earth’s major reservoirs such as oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, soils, snowfields, groundwater and even the atmosphere (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). As mentioned above, water goes through different processes. These processes can be generally divided into 5 parts: condensation, evaporation, precipitation, infiltration, and runoff (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). The first process is condensation which occurs when the water vapor transforms into water droplets in the air thereby producing clouds. As these clouds condense further, they hold more moisture. When it can no longer contain the moisture, they release through precipitation, which can be in the form of rain, snow, hail, sleet, and fog drip (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). The water that drops back down to the earth then seeps into the ground through a process called infiltration. On the other hand, if precipitation occurs much faster than it can infiltrate the ground, it then becomes a process called runoff. Basically, runoff water remains on the surface and then subsequently flows to large bodies of water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, and seas among others (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). Finally as infiltration and runoff occur simultaneously, evaporation, which is a process driven by the sun, also occurs. Evaporation is the transformation of liquid water into water vapor. This process is largely aided by sunlight as it increases the temperature in lakes, oceans, and seas (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). As the water in these bodies of water heats, its molecules are released and are turned into gas. This warm air then rises into the atmosphere and then becomes the water vapor involved in the condensation process, which repeats the hydrologic cycle (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). However, other processes also occur within these five processes. One example is sublimation which is the direct transformation of solid water, such as ice and snow, into water vapor without passing through the liquid state (Encyclopedia of the Earth, 2007). Basically, the hydrologic cycle is highly important to the Earth as it provides life to its inhabitants. The cycle basically moves the water through a continuous and constant flow and keeps it fresh for different uses. For example, if water that evaporates does not fall back to the earth through precipitation in the form of rain, then the world’s crops and vegetation would die out and ultimately result in shortages in food. In addition, the oceans and the seas would dry out and kill all marine life. There will also be shortages in water supply as people highly depend on the water that comes from oceans, seas, and lakes. The water shortage would then result in massive thirst and dehydration, which would ultimately kill all human life. On the other hand, if the water does not rise to the air through evaporation after a typhoon, cyclone, or a massive storm, then most parts of the Earth would remain flooded and eventually, all the lands would be submerged underwater. In short, the hydrologic cycle generally keeps the flow and storage of water in a natural state of balance. If this cycle ceases function properly, then all life on Earth would eventually be wiped out due to thirst, hunger, and drought. References Encyclopedia of the Earth. (2007). Hydrologic Cycle. Retrieved July 9, 2008 from http://www. eoearth. org/article/Hydrologic_cycle.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Five literary elements in Barbara Kimenye’s “The Winner†Essay
Barbara Kimenye’s â€Å"The Winner,†is an excellent example of a short story that does not necessarily use all five of the literary elements to their fullest potential, but still creates a sense of organic unity. In this analysis, the elements are organized in the order of theme, plot, characterization, setting, and then structure. Each element will be described and then â€Å"The Winner†and the events in it will be related to the elements. The purpose of the theme of a story is to provide insight to the reader about the author’s point-of-view on the topic they chose to write about. Theme can be communicated in two ways, both of which Ms. Kimenye utilized. One is to reveal the theme directly through a statement that a character makes, and the other is to allow the reader to interpret the theme based on the actions and reactions of the characters. She relates money and happiness throughout the story to convey her theme. Her use of description through the characters stressed her point very clearly. She used the right symbols, such as people, in the proper way to help the reader understand the purpose and meaning of the symbol. Overall, the way she incorporated the theme into the story could be considered to range from good to excellent. The plot of a story should have an element of suspense and irony in it to make the reader want to continue reading. It should also include at least one major complication, that is, the protagonist or another character is blocked from doing what they want to do. While all of this is going on, the order or events and relationship between events still has to make sense to the reader. There was a great deal of irony presented in the end of the story when Pius ended up changing his opinion of Cousin Sarah and marrying her, which the reader didn’t expect. Barbara Kimenye also kept the events in the story organized by some form and made it very simple for the reader to understand what was going on. While she fulfilled most of the characteristics of a good plot, one seemed to be lacking. There could have been more tension between characters present in the story. Ms. Kimenye made wonderful use of the element characterization. In short stories, not much depth is required as to the character’s personalities. It is only required that any reader be able to connect with one character. However, in this story, one seemed to know Pius’ personality and by the end, could almost predict what his reactions would be to events. The setting in this story was somewhat described literally, but most good authors try to make a touch on figurative settings also. The setting is the conditions prior to the story, and should be described in clarity and detail. In this selection, one had a general idea of Pius’ surroundings, but no information presented was ever extremely detailed so that the reader could make a distinct picture in their head. Finally, the structure of a short story should always be fictional and written in prose. It should also contain no more than one plot and should be based on the plot rather than the characters. Short stories do not usually use all five literary elements clearly and with a great depth, although they are still present in some form. Ms. Kimenye chose a structure to write in at the beginning of the story and, for the most part, she stuck to all of the guidelines with it, although some things she did in the story may have been pushing it a little bit. In general, Barbara Kimenye used the five elements together in a way that most readers can understand and interpret to mean many things. The story could have been written better, but the author placed the elements together in a way that worked, regardless of whether or not she used them all to their full potential.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Alcoholic Teens essays
Alcoholic Teens essays When teens run into friends around town, a common question that most of us hear is Hey, what are you doing tonight? This could be answered any number of ways, but in this day and age you will probably hear about how everybody is going over to somebodys house to drink. Keggers and Jungle Juice parties are the most common, because they are cheap and will get you drunk. Keggers usually sell cups for the beer which will give you unlimited refills. Jungle Juice parties ask for a cover at the door and again you are given unlimited refills. The only difference between the two is that Keggers are beer and Jungle Juice parties are mixtures of hard alcohol. Fridays and Saturdays are prime days to go out and drink. Teens know those are the days you dont have to get up on the following morning. With that in mind, you can easily drink yourself silly causing your body to become dehydrated. This has come to be called a hangover. Hangovers can completely incapacitate you giving you any of the following; headache, nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite, shakiness, feeling tired, and a gross-tasting mouth. These are caused by being dehydrated and by the by-products when alcohol is digested. One such by-product is acetaldehyde. Research suggests that it may be responsible for the worst of your hangover. Someone that can subject themselves to this pain every week really needs to redefine their idea of fun. It seems to have become the only thing teens can do to enjoy themselves. Days of going bowling, roller skating, and cruising in the car seem to be over. Some may still do these things, but not as often as they go to gatherings or parties. The idea to get together and socialize can still be accomplished even though you wont have a drink in your hand. Activities such as cookouts, swimming, and sports can easily take place of any alcoholic party. The fun is already included if you let yourself relax and get int...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology This paper will discuss the pros of the use of stun guns and patrol car videos. This form of technology is being used every day by law enforcement agencies around the world. They are continuingly striving to make stun guns and surveillance cameras better. Patrol car videos have caught numerous illegal events by police and suspect that have committed a crime. Police stun guns and patrol car videos are very important to all law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement is expanding the video car surveillance cameras, so that they may be able to record and store details of suspect’s daily car journeys for up to five years. With the cameras installed in police cars, they can record any and all activity committed by police or suspects. The police would have irrefutable evidence when they capture a suspect or a police committing a crime against the suspect. The evidence is a very effective tool when appearing in a court hearing or trial. Surveillance cameras send a direct signal to the police station and other mobile data units across state lines and within the police department. Studies have shown that the continued use of surveillance cameras installed, not only in police cars, but on government issued equipment, such as: a telephone pole. The crime rate had decreased, the prostitution related reports decreased by 42%. â€Å"Law enforcement agencies states that with the new technology (i. e. urveillance cameras) allows them to deploy police officers more effectively, in cases such as demonstrations that cause trouble, and they help reduce traffic to and from planned events†(Krane, 15 November, 1999). Surveillance cameras help police and other law enforcement agencies to watch and monitor the suspect’s record, activities before they are captured. Scanners can help protect the homeland security traffic laws and catch international criminals. Problems that exist with surveillance cameras, is that they ma y not record everything that may have happened, the lens may get dirty and cloud the view.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The role of traditional political parties in the democratization Essay
The role of traditional political parties in the democratization process - Essay Example As a result, most countries have changed from military to political-civil regimes that foster democratic governance. Political parties play fundamental roles in governance and are critical for the lifelong political development in emerging democracies.This paper highlights the role of political parties in the democratisation process in Latin America, and explores the factors leading to the decline of traditional political parties and their possible comeback in the near future. Democracy illustrates the rights held by citizens that allow them to choose their own government and officials through secret ballot after a defined period. Democracy is achieved following thetransformation of authoritarian rule into a state that is guided by the civil majority. Democratic regimes are characterised by the civic responsibility through which citizens elect their leaders whose prime functions is to protect basic human rights. In this regard, political stability is achieved and through it,economic and social benefits are reaped. Similarly, democracies involve conducting free and fair elections that does not discriminate across citizens of voting age. As such, representative democracy is the most common form in majority government settings where citizens elect officials to make political decisions, formulate laws, and implement policies to benefit the society.In any democracy, political parties are essential owing to the various functions they perform in their capacities that include the representation of social interests. Political parties are regarded as the primal link between the state and society where quality representation is sought for equitable distribution of justice and resources (Cott 1). As such, the responsiveness of party systems to the interests and demands of organised groups largely influences the quality and stability of democratic institutions. Early political parties in Latin America were formed to provide a platform on which different opinions could be ra ised for the benefit of the society.Traditional political parties were formed based on the ideology shared, which saw the emergence of conservative, liberal, federal, clerical and anticlerical parties (Lambert 183). Significant of the Traditional Parties These traditional parties serve as links between political elites and citizens where they mobilise members into participation during the electoral process. In this way, revolutionary movements under social organisation embark on calls for reforms and regime change. Intense social and political upheaval characterised the 1970s in Latin America as social movements and popular mobilisations intensified calls for reforms.Governments under authoritarian or military regimes in Latin America suppressed any form of civil society activity as a way of maintainingcontrol of the state. The governments denied political expression and weakened the existing groups that sought reprieve over the prevailing social conditions.Hostility accorded social movements in their bid to push for political reforms acted as a catalyst that garnered more support for the movements. Movement leaders mobilised their supporters to protests that were aimed at destabilising the authoritarian regime. The resulting instability formed the basis of political reforms with the hope of creating an all-inclusive government that would cater for the
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