Saturday, August 31, 2019
60’s Fashion Research Paper
Michele Figueroa 04-07-11 Research In the 1960’s there were several types of fashion types like: the Mods, the rockers, the oh-so-famous hippies,-the futuristic space age-ers, the school girl baby dolls, the â€Å"Chanel†wearers , and of course the optical art dressers! So as you can see there are LOTS of fashion types that started in the 60’s. Even some looks we still use today, only slightly modified. To help you better understand the styles of the 160’s, I will break down each type of style for you. The Mods dressed in a minimalist themed type style. They seemed to believe in the motto â€Å"less is more†. On a regular basis their dress code consisted of: polo shirts, drainpipe trousers, turtleneck sweaters/shirts, and suede shoes. A very big designer for the Mods was Mary Quaint. Enough about the Mods though, let’s go into the Rockers! Rockers were considered the â€Å"cool kids. †They enjoyed wearing studded leather jackets, jeans and winklepickers. Winklepickers are pointy leather shoes with metal buckles on them. Now onto the next style, The Babydoll/school girl look. This is the look that we call the current â€Å"girly-girl†look. The Babydoll look is made up of long-waisted pinafore dresses with belts at hip level, pleated or flared skirts that stopped at the mid thigh, thigh high mini-dresses that were made out of sheer fabrics. The mini-dresses were usually paired with a maxi-coat and mid-calf boots. Many people tried to take credit for the Babydoll look but the true creator of this look was Andre Courreges. Another one of Andre Courreges’s famous styles was the space age fad! This look was created out of :glittery catsuits, astronaut helmets ,space-like colored dresses, coats, and suits. And no we go from astronaut helmets to pillbox hats. That’s right the famous Coco Chanel who started the gilt chained handbag that was and still is popular ! Coco Chanel is the designer who influenced several old stars fashion taste. For example former first lady, Jackie Kennedy! Coco’s most famous pieces were her knee-length skirts, square toed pumps, chunky pearl necklaces, collarless cardigans, pillbox hats , and her betron hats. Her outfits were mostly worn to events like office and cocktail parties . Now so far I have been mostly explaining the styles of the 1960’s women but fear not for I will now tell about them 1960’s men’s styles! In the 1960’s the absolute biggest men’s style icon were The Beatles. The â€Å"4 apostles†made a huge impact on men with their tight-fitting trouser sand famous signature jackets! The Beatles fashion trends led to style fads like paisley suits, Hip-hugging pants, and rainbow colored shirts. Now here is a style that went pretty much world famous that originated in the 1960’s†¦. The Hippy style! Hippies were big on what the did but we known just as well as for what they dressed in. The Hippies dressed in very loose fitting clothes. Hippy girls wore shawls, peasant blouses, long skirts (all of which had to be bright colorful patters)Hippy boys wore mostly bell bottoms, paisley and flower print clothes, and ethic clothing. Oddly enough sometimes hippies went shirtless and painted their bodies to adorn themselves with bright designs and flowers and to them the wilder the design the better! So now we have come to an end, you can go out and tell the world that you are officially an expert in 1960’s style! J
Friday, August 30, 2019
Placement Proposal Niam Essay
(An Organization of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India) Kota Road, Bambala (Near Sanganer), Jaipur-302033, (Rajasthan) Telephone: 0141-2795121/2795143, Fax: 0141-2771938, 2770595 Website: About the Institute The National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) is an apex level autonomous institute set up by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India in Agricultural Marketing which conducts training, research, consulting and educational programmes along with formulating policy inputs. With a view to developing Agri-business and Marketing professionals, NIAM conducts an AICTE approved two-year Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Agribusiness Management (PGDABM) since 2001. Our students imbibe knowledge, excellent academic strengths and also see things through a different perspective as imparted by our programme which is closely associated with institutions like IIM-A, IIM-I, XLRI, IIFT, MICA etc. with the constant support from our Director General- Shri. R.P. Meena (Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture), Director-Shri. Kamal Mathur, Deputy Director-Dr. Hema Yadav and our experienced faculty members, PGDABM has become a flagship programme. In a recent survey NIAM has been ranked among India’s top sectoral B schools in ‘Outlook India’ B-School Survey 2011-12. About the Students The current batch (2011-13) is the ninth batch and has strength of 50 (40 boys and 10 girls) with varied qualifications. Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Educational Background of Students Agricultural Engineering Biotechnology B.Sc. Agriculture B.Sc Commercial Ag. & Business Management Dairy Technology Fisheries Food Technology Horticultural Sciences Veterinary Sciences Total Number of Students 2 2 32 1 3 2 1 4 3 50 There are 7 students in this batch who have work experience. The students take field projects in rural areas, Agricultural markets and processing industries etc as Summer Projects, Live project, Individual projects and we have organized several Training and National /International Workshops. We have collaborations or association with FAO, CII, NABARD, ASSOCHAM, UNSAID, WORLD BANK, APEDA, ADB, EXIM BANK, NCDEX, FICCI State Governments, National Cooperatives and many more International forum constituted for a particular purpose. Our students have proven their credentials in various events like B-Plan, Business quiz, Debate, AD Mania, Sports, etc. organized in several prestigious institutes like IIM-A, FMS, IIT-Delhi, IIT-Mumbai, AMITY, IBS Jaipur, TAPMI, etc. Recruitment Mode of recruitment is through campus recruitment which we could be initiating in the month of December-January. It would be a pleasure to be associated with your organization and we would like our students to begin their career in an esteemed organization/ company like yours. To invite you for the recruitment, we are sending you the corporate response sheet. We would be highly grateful to your organization if you send the duly filled sheet to us at the earliest. This will ensure your participation in recruitments.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Milton Paradise Lost Commentary
The Renaissance era represents a complete break with the Middle Ages on a political, philosophical, scientifical and theological scale. Indeed, the discovery of new territories and the expeditions of explorers such as Francis Drake, the resurgence of classic writtings, the new scientific outbreaks of Copernicus, Newton and Galilei as well as the Protestant reformation led by Luther and his 95 Theses, triggered a will for knowledge and a quest for truth, thus putting an end to the intellectual hegemony of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe. Intellectuals of this era began to think on mankind, looking for answers outside of the Religious constraints. Written during this context of political and religious upheaval, Paradise Lost, an epic poem published in 1667 in ten books, reflects in a way the great changes of the Renaissance. This poem, written by John Milton (December 1608 – November 1674), an English poet, polemicist and civil servant, tell the Christian story of the creation of the Earth, the fall of Satan and the Fall of Man. As a puritan, Milton, who had already attacked the Church for its corruption in Lycidas (1637), give this classical Christian tale puritan traits (such as the protrayal of Eve as a dedicated worker). The passage under study is taken from Book 9 of Paradise lost. In this book, the narrator focuses on the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Satan returns to the Garden of Eden eight days after his banishment by Gabriel to avenge himself. Adam and Eve , preparing for their labors, decide to work separatly , even if Adam is anxious that eve would be an easy prey to Satan’s temptation . In this passage we can see the approach of the Satan , (the snake) and the begining of his temptation that will lead Eve to eat the prohibited fruit. We can clearly see that Milton here uses a mix of Classical and Judeo-christian mythology to tell this tale. We can thus wonder In which way he uses these influences, and why he uses them ? In a first part we will see that the Serpent is a symbol of temptation, and in a second part we wll analyse Milton’s uses of Classical mythology. First, Milton depicts the snake which Satan is possessing, as an incredibly beautiful animal. The main strategy of Satan to try to corrupt the naive mind of Eve is to appear as a magnificent snake. According to the narrator, his physical appearance is so pleasing that never a snake will be as beautiful (on verse 504 â€Å"pleasing was his shape, and lovely, never since a serpent lovelier†). To describe the snake, the narrator use the lexical field of precious material: â€Å"carbuncle his eyes†on verse 500, â€Å"neck of verdent gold†on verse 501. Here Satan seems to have chosen a snake whose appearance can attract Eve only because his similitude with precious material. In a kind of materialist temptation, he tries to appeal to Eve inner sin of cupidity to seduce her. But there is something paradoxical in the way the snake is depicted as a beautiful creature. Indeed, the snake is often assimilated with death, the venom of some species of snakes such as the cobra can kill a man in less than one hour. It also an animal that generate instinctive fear in most human (and occurence of Ophidiophobia can be found everywhere). Here death and beauty become assimilated in one animal. It can thus be perceived as personification of the treachery of satan: behind the beaty of his rethoric, of his discourse hides a terrible fates, the banishment of Man from Heaven. This can also underline the interest of humans for macabre, dark topics. We can see since the dawn of age exemples of this morbid attraction of the Human race: public executions had always (and still do) gathered a lot of people around the death of a single man as well as we can see every day the impact (and also its capacity of generating profits) of a news involving the mysterious death of a movie star, of the murder of a whole family by its patriarch. As we know, Satan has chosen this animal, maybe he relies on this fascination to attract eve attention. We can also notice that the serpent can be interpreted as a phallic symbol. On verse 498 to 502 the snake is described as a â€Å"circular base that towered folds above folds a surprising maze [†¦ ] with burnished neck [†¦ ] erect amidst his circling spires†. Thus the snake appears as a symbol of virility, a phallic form erecting from the ground and can be understood as another strategy of Satan to cajole Eve into trusting him. On the other hand this links made by Milton between sensuality and religion can be seen as a hint of the influence of the metaphysical poetry on his writting: this link beeing one of the interest of the metaphysical poets who were contemporary with Milton. Then the snake can be analysed as a symbol of corruption and of perfidy. Satan uses a disguise, a snake to talk to eve. He uses his beauty, his eloquence to seduce her. His wave movements, looking like a dance, and his attitude (â€Å"Fawning, and licking the ground whereon she strod†on verse 526) can be interpreted as a nuptial parade with the snake laying on the primal instinct (which are restricted by religion) of Man to attract Eve in his trap. It is also interesting to note that the occurence of the word Satan is, as Satan himself, disguised in this passage. Here Satan is refered to as â€Å"the snake†or â€Å"the enemy of mankind†on verse 494. The word Satan can only be seen if the reader looks closely at the poem: an acrostic is hidden from verse 510 to 515. This clever technic reflects the vicious strategy of the Devil in the passage. Satan’s main strategy to talk Eve into beliving that she has the right to eat the apple is flattery. The Devil choose to tempt Eve because he was afraid of Adam’s intelligence which could have be an obstacle to his scheme. Thus he constantly celebrate eve beauty and superiority of others God’s creature to put her in a position where she can feel free to act as she wants. From verse 532 to the end of the passage the snake states that eve is â€Å"sole wonder†, that she is a â€Å"universally admired†â€Å"celestial beauty†that should be â€Å" a goddes among gods, adored and served by angels numberless†. The snake thus seems to contradict Gods Hierarchy of creation, The Great Chain of Being. According to him, Eve is higher than all the other creations of god, and should be sitting just next to god, just as the Holy Spirit and Jesus. In this passage the snake is the voices that question god authority and urges Eve to more freedom which appears, in the eyes of God as an Heresy. Hence a parallel can be drawn betwen the questioning of God’s Hierarchy by the snakes and the questioning of God’s Hierarchy by the new theories about cosmos expressed by scientists such as Copernic who were at the time seen as Heretics, devilish prophets and treated as such. Now that we have seen in which way the snakes represents a symbol of temptation embodying as well as the Biblical symbol of sin, the Renaissance questioning of God’s Hierarchy, we are going to see and analyse Milton’s use of Classic Mythology in this passage. First Milton’s use of Classic reference in his text can be interpreted as a perversions of those myths. In this passage he uses three myth to illustrate the action. He first refers to the tale of Hermione and Cadmus taken from Metamorphoses written by Ovid in AD 8. According to this classic of Latin literature they were both transformed into snakes in an act of vengence from the Gods. Then he refers to transformation of â€Å"Amonian Jove†and â€Å"Capitoline†into snakes to seduce and â€Å"mate†with Olympias and the mother of Scipio to give birth of two of the most famous and glorious war chief of both hellenistic and Roman era: Alexander the Great and Scipio Africanus. We can notice that Milton cleverly used myth in which the snakes as a role close to the one it has in the Bible. Concerning Ovid, the snakes is an object of temptation for which Hermione yields and is thus punished by being transformed in a snake. Concerning the myth of the birth of Alexender and Scipio, the snakes, just as in the Bible, is in fact a deity in disguise, seducing a woman. But if we look closely, these myth appeared to be perverted. In the classical myth, the deity or characters who are transformed into a snake are great and nobles characters: Cadmus is the founder of Thebes, and Amonian Jove and Capitoline are Jupiter. In paradise lost, the snake is Satan, the personification of rebellion against God’s will and of all the Human Sins. In this antithetic linking of diverse mythology, Milton wants to contrast Satan perfidy with classical characters nobility while underlining common themes. He thus appeals to a particular knowledge of his readers. On the other hand , the author’s use of classical mythology in this text can be seen as another influence of the metaphysical poetry on the Milton. Mixing diverse sources of knowledge to build his imagery is a technic used by metaphysiacal poets such as John Donne. But when others metaphysical poets mixed scientific, geographical, astronomical discoveries with theology and philospy, Milton just mixed Judeo-christian religious myths with classical myths. Even if this influence is small, it is sufficient to guess that Milton, contemporaneous with Donne, Herbert, Henry or Crashaw, has drawn some inspiration from the work of these poets. Moreover, Milton use of Classical mythology is representative of the Renaissance. Indeed, it clearly illustrates the resurgence of classical works during this era. Every arts had been affected by this tendency, in paintings, the classical style was a new fashion, the subjects taken from greek mythology began to be more and more numerous, Michaelangelo being a good exemple in both the sculpture and painting field. This resurgence has also an impact on architecture (with the building of houses, mansions, official buildign following the principle of the straight line) , on philosophy ( the â€Å"raison†and the re-reading of the platonician and socratic philosophy) as well as on literature. Thus Milton appears as an exemple of this new interest ofr the classical literrature, and htis work, Paradise lost, embodies this feature of the Renaissance. Finally, as we have seen, Milton uses his main influence, the Bible, to depicts the snake as a symbol of temptation and perfidy and uses his other influence, the classical mythology, in a perversion of the myths to develop his imagery. Furthermore, analysing this text, we can see that Milton was also influenced by the Metaphysical Poets in his uses of mixed sources as well as the use of the theme of the link between sensuality and religion. This book, which is now one of the most famous piece of english poetry, had a great influence on following artists such as Blake who considered Milton as the major English Poet and Edmond Burke and the Romantic theory, asserting â€Å"No person seems better to have understood the secret of heightening, or of setting terrible things, if I may use the expression, in their strongest light, by the force of a judicious obscurity than Milton. †, valuating his exploration of blank verse. Milton also had a great impact on the English language by creating neologism that are still used today such as pand?monium, enslaved, satanic and self-esteem.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Irish Potato Famine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Irish Potato Famine - Essay Example Let us try to overview the historical context which preceded The Irish Potato Famine, and on ground of this try to find out what principle factors provoked the famine. The Irish Potato Famine is the name of a famine that took place in Ireland between 1845 and 1849, but immediate effects of which were felt until 1851. If we refer to dry statistics, then we may learn that the total number of people who died from this famine is unclear because there were no exact historical records. However, according to different estimates it is supposed that the general number of victims that can be directly and indirectly attributed to the famine ranges from 500,000 to more than one million (Lyons, 1985, p.14). Aside from the enormous death toll, there were many other social and economic consequences of the famine. Among such consequences were several million Irish refugees who during and after the famine emigrated to Britain, America, Canada, and Australia (Scally, 1996, p.167). Also, as we shall see, the effects of the famine on Irish culture and economy were so great that it significantly changed them. At this point we may begin to wonder whether the very fact that such a profound historical event as the Irish Potato Famine took place can be explained purely by natural causes, or maybe there was an involvement of social, economic, and political factors which contributed to the famine To see if this was the case, let us firstly overview political and economic environment in which the famine happened, and then consider demographic and agricultural aspects relevant to the famine. Speaking of the political context of the famine, we of course must mention relations between Ireland and Great Britain in the middle of the nineteenth century. Since the Act of Union of 1800 Ireland was to be formally represented by one hundred members in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom, which was merely a one-fifth proportion of representation of Great Britain. Moreover, in addition to the low level of Irish representation in the parliament of Britain the needs of Ireland were given a low priority. It was not surprising as most of the members of government had never even been in Ireland themselves. To better feel the situation of that time, we should add that the British dominance was as well fortified by the unification of the churches of Ireland and England, with the ensuing leadership in Ireland of the Anglicans and exclusion of Roman Catholics and Presbyterians from membership in governmental bodies. Only by 1829 was political equality restored in Ireland in certain s pheres. This included the possibility to participate in free trade between the British Isles, and admission of Irish merchandise to colonies of Britain on equal terms with British goods (Otuathaigh, 1972). Now, on ground of the mentioned signs of oppression of Ireland it was suggested by some historians that the Irish Potato Famine was in fact a genocide initiated by the British against Ireland. However, this accusation is dismissed by most scholars as too radical, and instead it is thought that the policies of Britain during the famine can rather be blamed as fallacious, ignorant, and fatal, and that as a significant reduction of population of Ireland was deemed desirable by many British politicians they might just had decided not to intervene in the natural course
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Strategy of ford company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marketing Strategy of ford company - Essay Example Ford hà °s now reduced its proportion of fleet sà °les to 28 per cent of the totà °l, from 39 per cent à ° yeà °r previously. "Thà °ts some good news in the mix of our business," Fords sà °les à °nà °lyst George Pipà °s sà °id yesterdà °y. Current pà °per provides comprehensive mà °rketing review of Ford Motor compà °ny à °nd defines strà °tegic à °pproà °ch to plà °cing the compà °ny on the competitive position of worldwide leà °der in the cà °r industry. Ford Motor is the second là °rgest à °utomotive compà °ny in the world à °nd the most trà °nsnà °tionà °l of à °ll à °uto mà °kers. It hà °s operà °tions in more thà °n 200 countries à °nd territories, employing à °bout 350,000 workers (Schnà °pp, Cà °ssettà °ri, 2004) Historicà °lly, Ford sought to compete à °gà °inst the industrys leà °der, Generà °l Motors, by increà °sing its presence in foreign mà °rkets. Fords Internà °tionà °l à utomotive Operà °tions co-ordinà °tes à °ctivities in twenty-six countries grouped in three principà °l regions (Europe, Là °tin à mericà °, à °nd à sià ° Pà °cific). In the là °te 1970s, Ford produced outside the United Stà °tes hà °lf of its worldwide vehicle production - compà °red with GMs one-fourth. The Ford Motor Co. hà °s à °lso been à ° leà °der in introducing or rà °pidly à °dopting technologicà °l innovà °tions in the industry. Henry Ford, the founder à °nd president of the compà °ny, is considered the fà °ther of mà °ss production. In the difficult decà °de of the 1980s, Ford showed its cà °pà °bility to rà °pidly à °dopt the Jà °pà °nese system of production à °nd to move fà °ster thà °n à °ny other à °uto mà °ker in seeking the integrà °tion of its operà °tions on à ° globà °l bà °sis. The compà °ny wà °s à °lso à ° pioneer in the internà °tionà °lizà °tion of production, à °s it wà °s the first to open à °n à °ssembly plà °nt in Cà °nà °dà ° (1904), in Mexico (1925), à °nd in mà °ny other countries. Historicà °lly, the compà °ny hà °s hà °d à ° leà °ding role in developing à °n à °utomotive cà °pà °bility in those countries, à °nd its strà °tegies hà °ve been
Monday, August 26, 2019
Obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Obesity - Research Paper Example Most Americans have adopted a culture of taking fast/convenient foods instead of cooking food at home. This behavior is particularly extravagant among children. Children prefer taking sweetened drinks and snacks for lunch instead of taking full meals. Sweetened drinks and snacks contain a high content of calories. Routine taking of high calories foods leads to accumulation of fats in the body and thus children become obese. Due to the addictiveness of convenient foods, children end up taking more fast foods and lesser healthy foods. The lifestyles that most American families have adopted contribute to obesity. Children are not involved in physical activities. Children have little or no play time. Physical exercise activities have been proven to reduce effectively accumulated calories in the body. The same children who take high intake of junk food do not participate in any forms of physical exercise. The children thus end up being obese. USA’s economic status has improved. The rates of unemployment have reduced and thus a large percentage of the population is in a ‘good’ socio-economic status. Therefore, most American children can afford to buy fast foods. Moreover, mot junk foods are associated with people of a certain higher social class, and, therefore, most children want to take them. Purchasing and taking a lot of junk food leads to children being obese. The business of selling fast foods is doing very well in the USA. The kind of advertisements being used is very appealing. Most of the advertisements make an impression that the foods are very sweet and healthy. The health risk of these foods is not included in the advertisements. Most people fall into the advertisements trap and end up purchasing them and, in the long run, suffer from obesity. There is little education among the children and the parents on the dangers of taking junk food and the need for physical exercise. This has led to the current imbalance in
Application of the Criminal Justice System Research Paper
Application of the Criminal Justice System - Research Paper Example As the discussion highlights the criminal justice system follows a well elaborate process. The process starts when the suspect of a crime is apprehended by the police, all the way to the time the suspect is arraigned, charged and convicted or released by the courts, and through to serving the required sentences if the suspect is found guilty. This study stresses that the crime involved the murder of Joseph Ronan at his home by John Burke. The crime was first suspected to be homicide, but after the police investigations, it was discovered that it was a murder case that involved a drug deal gone soar. The police followed the reads and were able to track down the suspect of the murder, who was set to be arraigned in court and charged for the crime of murder. This is the first process in the criminal justice system, which entails the police apprehending a suspect who is suspected of having committed a certain crime. Therefore, John Burke who is the offender in this case, will first be arrested by the police and kept in police custody, awaiting the next procedure in the criminal justice system. However, the arresting of the offender takes place only when the police have sufficient evidence to charge the suspect with the crime the suspect is alleged to have committed. This is the second process in the criminal justice system th at John Burke will go through. The prosecution and pretrial stage of the criminal justice process is the stage in which the prosecutor, will analyze and evaluate the available evidence gathered by the police.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Baron Finance Company Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Baron Finance Company - Coursework Example Kendall the court ruled that both parties were to suffer the losses.Advice For the company to overcome the capacity constraint in future and achieve efficiency in operations without the indication of space constraints, the manager should begin by carrying out proper building analysis to ensure that the space is ample for its operations. On the other hand, the company can obtain funds from various sources that are appropriate and obtain a building with enough space for all the workers.With the losses incurred in mind, everybody within the organization should direct their efforts towards restoring the finances lost during the transition period. Moreover, costs may be cut by minimizing trivial expenses as a way of reinstating the company’s financial position. All departments under finance should be given a role in the activity to ensure that high interconnectedness between the departments is achieved. In this way, it will be easy to eliminate the constraints bit by bit until the system is realigned as desired.Case lawThe law in this case involves intentional deception or ‘Antitrust’ business law, which highlights that the finance department needs to be entrusted with honest personalities. In this case both parties are involved in fraud because they cohere to personal motives mired with dishonesty. Application This law is applicable in that the company employs somebody who refused the job previously hence mistrust arises like in the case McNally v. United State. According to (Clemency, 2002), it is notable how fraud leads to losses in the hands of a ‘competent manager.’ Additionally, the investor is known to be deceitful and an irredeemable social climber who uses any tactic for selfish gains consequently, the company experiences losses that may be avoided. Advice The company should carry out employment procedures appropriately to obtain an employee who is experienced and has adequate expertise to commit to the job. The person shoul d be trustworthy, honest and selfless in order to strive towards achieving organization objectives. In this manner, the person in charge will be able to manage the organization appropriately especially in following up any small inconsistence especially in the finance department. This is for the sole reason that the losses involved are greatest and thus the need to control and prevent fraud as soon as any suspicions are made. Before making any legal move, a fraud examiner should be involved to follow up the inconsistencies keenly in order to establish a strong basis of evidence in regards to the nature of fraud in question. The little indicators identified may lead to greater realizations of fraud masterminds within the organization that may have operated for a long period without suspicion. Therefore, a small indicator should not be ignored because it is a guideline to more evidence when closely examined (Dyson & McKenzie, 1996). 3. Case The case presented is poor human resource man agement. The scenario is between Casati and the Gosia’s business strategy analyst. Law The law applicable is such a circumstance is ‘Foreign Workers & Employee Eligibility’ law. The analyst in this case is careless. This circumstance is likened with the case of Brown v. Kendall. Application The law relates to the organization since negligence is observed in the situation where the business strategic analyst fails to read the entire report hence leaving out the conclusion and forecast
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Issue reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Issue reaction Paper - Essay Example In this case, it is evident that terrorism is responsible for economic losses, loss of life, and the failure to achieve world peace with terrorism instrumental in ensuring that the basic freedoms of people are not effectively achieved. Despite the issues raised by Mathew being important and requiring urgent attention, this essay posits that terrorism is the greatest threat not only in America, but in the world over. The September 11 attacks highlighted the identification of terrorism as the greatest threat in America. As a result, discourse was shaped around terrorism and other issues largely took a backstage with the department of defense remaining one of the most funded departments in the country in order to protect the America, its citizens, and its interests.2Nonetheless, Mathew indicates that the largest challenge, and threat, that the country faces is not terrorism, but it is with issues related to the health issues such as medical insurance, underage drinking, cancer, and inef fective gun control.3 It is evident that Mathew has a point on the importance of addressing these issues. Using the issue of gun control as an illustration, there has been a great concern in the country following various incidents of mass shootings that highlight the importance of strict rules that prevent shooting incidents in school and other places. To highlight the importance of tight rules in gun control, a man opened fire in Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed about 27 people last year with 18 of these people being school children.4It is important to point out that this is one incident, among many other incidents, which highlight the importance of gun control in the country. Based on this evidence, it is crucial to point out that this issue remains a threat to America although it is not as a bigger threat than the threat posed by terrorism. Unlike incidents of gun use, terrorism incidents can cause great havoc not only to the current generation, but al so to future generations. Hence, I do not agree with the statement â€Å"Terrorism is not the Greatest Threat†since the threat posed by terrorism is much more than the threat posed by these other issues that Mathew highlighted. Terrorism is responsible for creating fear in the society, which contributes to low productivity in people since they live in constant fear. In a study conducted after the 9/11 attacks, a majority of people living in major cities were afraid when going to work since they did not know when terrorists would strike next.5Other than creating fear among the citizens of America and the world over, the economic losses resulting from terrorism are enormous. In this case, it is evident that terror activities bring enormous losses that affect the country’s economy. Alone, the 9/11 attacks contributed to a $3.3 trillion loss in the economy as pointed out by experts with these losses arising from the toll and physical damage, impact on the economy, and the cost of engaging in war in order to stop future attacks.6 From the foregoing, it is evident that there are other issues that are a threat to Americans. In this case, issues related to factors such as gun control, medical insurance, cancer, and many others are a threat to America. Importantly, these issues led to Mathew’
Friday, August 23, 2019
Master Project Specification Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Master Project Specification - Coursework Example Outline of the Project Environment Most of the developing countries are in the preliminary phases of putting into operation the electronic government to get better public sector services. The same is the case with the Sultanate of Oman, has established Information Technology Authority (ITA) in 2006 in order to establish/implement the National information technology infrastructure through planning and executing IT projects. While, it must be ensured that these projects are aligned with Digital Oman Strategy and ITA Policy through close supervision of these projects. The ITA has a mandate to the people of Oman in ensuring secured information to its citizens. The Sultanate currently faces a number challenges in offering efficient and timely services. To solve this problem, the Sultanate of Oman is keen to integrate its processes in order to deliver services to its people in more efficient and effective manner. Therefore, it has been planned that the services or the business processes of the public sector organizations would be automated first before providing these services to the public. Therefore, our client ITA is initiating project titled â€Å"E-Enablement of Public Sector Organizations and Provision of Services to the People of Oman†. The E-Government initiative is an integral part of ITA’s approved ITA Policy and Digital Oman Strategy. The objectives of the E-Government Program are laid down: Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Government Increase Transparency and Accountability in decision making Enhance delivery of public services to Citizens efficiently and effectively In order to achieve these objectives, this IT project has been envisaged and would be executed. The current project focuses on the above objectives in order to achieve satisfaction of public. To complement this, the current project includes the provision of enhanced IT infrastructure and support. This provision will help bringing improvements in the efficiency of pub lic sector offices. 2. Description of the Problem to be Solved and its Background: E-Government information has allowed effective communication between departments, employees and citizens coupled with better service delivery and responsiveness of governments. Nevertheless, the internet and mobile phone services have engendered a paradigm shift of how governments can deliver services effectively and efficiently. E-government and m-government services have popularized especially in the third world countries as a means of pacing up with the developed world. Various research studies have explored that how the government and the people of Sultanate of Oman have embraced e-government services.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Comparison between Japanese and Canadian Central Bank Policies Essay Example for Free
Comparison between Japanese and Canadian Central Bank Policies Essay The present paper is an investigation of the central bank policies in the countries of Japan and Canada. The paper takes into examination Bank of Japan and Bank of Canada and explores the grounds on which similarities and differences, if any, can be noted. This study is a comparison between the central banks’ policies of both the countries. The structure of the paper overviews the banking system of both the countries then furthers with individual analysis only to bring a major comparison at the second last section. The paper discusses findings in the conclusion section and makes recommendations for future policy making and development. 2- Overview This section overviews the past, present of the two banks in the concerned countries. This is in the attempt of creating a base of the later sections that would be dealing with specific policy issues of the two banks. 2.1- Japanese Banking System Today Japanese banking system finds its foundational roots in the aftermaths of World War II and is still continuing to grow support for the financial and industrial organizations of the country. Ever since World War II, Japanese banking system has gone through a number of changes and adaptations in corporate behavior as well as in the shaping of economic and regulatory policies. The period that can be said to be the golden time for the development of the Japanese banking system is regarded to be from the early 1950s to the early 1970s. This was the time when Japanese firms were growing rapidly and needed financial backing and monetary assessment to hold solid on the corporate grounds. However, from the 1970s, some changes were experienced by this banking system and that solid position was shaken. Of the major reasons, international paradigm change in financial transactions, corporate behavior with regard to investment of funds both internal and external, (firms started issuing securities rather than borrowing from banks) and other such reasons can be said to be the causes for the shaking of such a strong banking system as was in Japan once especial up to the early 1970s. Up to the present day, in the Japanese financial system, bank loans still possess the dominant place as the external financing source for the corporate sector which is non-financial – until 1986 the borrowings done from private institutions were recorded to be more than seventy percent. Other such common services as issuance of bonds, client monitoring, cost monitoring for different services, and so forth are also found to be in practice in the Japanese banking system. As such, there is much more that is needed to be examined in this country’s banking system that makes it notable on the international horizon (Aoki, Patrick, Sheard, pp. 1-15, 1994). 2.2 – Canadian Banking System The central banking system of Canada is also with its typical issues and challenges and up to the present time, these challenges have been multiplying for a number of factors. For example, nowhere in history general public was so much conscious about the evil unemployment and is now showing a hyper attitude which simply put the government and its financial institutions up front to the criticism. As such, the challenges are to make such financial policies as can help confront these challenges and move over them. Although the central bank of Canada did go through a long period of adjustments, say the depression period of the 1930s and later, Neufeld (1958) notes that â€Å"The constitutional adjustments experienced by the Bank of Canada were not as great as those of some older central banks†(p. 4). There are noteworthy reasons for this observation. For instance, beginning in the market, the bank was sponsored by the government leading to a stable position. However, political interventions and the bank’s responsibilities to cater for the needs or demands of the political party government continued to exist. The bank went through war crisis, financial instability, and social pressures like unemployment, all along its birth becoming an adult from an immature youth. At present the Bank is in a more favorable position to serve for the purposes of the government and perform its multifarious purposes with regard to financial activities along with the challenges. Some of the challenges that the bank faced during its stability periods were â€Å"serious foreign exchange outflows and phenomenal capital inflows†(212). The three areas, back in the stability phase, i.e., bond market, stock exchanges, and foreign exchange markets, have been tactfully established by the bank to create a positive picture of the overall economic situation of the country. Presently, the Bank holds a primary position in the decision making process of these three areas. Today, as a successful bank, the expert opinion about this bank is that it has dealt in the time of difficulty more with technique which was versatile than conservatism (213). The banking system of Canada is in a constant process of up gradation for better output; one such instance is the use of geographic information systems (GIS) technology â€Å"for a wide range of applications†(Macdonald, 2001, p. 419). Therefore, it is important to have a deep examination of the policies and practices of this bank so that the insider’s view can help others form such a system in any other country. 3-Policies of the Bank of Japan There are a number of policy issues that need to be revisited but for the limited space of the paper, only a few major are discussed. First of all, policies of the Bank of Japan (BOJ) have been central to critics’ attention due to a number of reasons but the most important is that it is one of the three G-3 central banks that have been reviewed in the past decades. The special features of BOJ are numerous. The most apparent, however, is its stance on deflation. Although BOJ was forced to take â€Å"a highly leveraged position†in local financial environment, it has taken no risk to fight the challenge. Moreover, it might have been possible for the bank to give in to a number of challenges that were created by deflation, however, the bank continued to survive with a number of different policies and measures (Cargill, 2005, p. 311). BOJ’s approach to monetary policy is pragmatic. The overall focus of this monetary policy is to maintain stability in price and encourage economic development. To meet these ends, the Bank monitors such areas as exchange rates, the aggregates of money, the indices of consumer and wholesale rates, growth of the GDP, production taking place in the industry, on-going interest rate in the market, prices of assets, and a number of other factors. It is also notable that in the functions of the Bank, international policy association and coordination can also play a role in the Bank’s domestic policy making. It is important to note that throughout its existence the BOJ has never come to stand as hardcore monetarist. Instead of this, the Bank has been treating the policy making of money more like a form of art. There are a number of methods by which the Bank lets its policies become public. The implementation of policies also takes a number of forms, for instance, â€Å"discoun t window†guides other financial institutions through loans etc. (Miller, 1996, pp. 1-47). By the late 1980s, BOJ held its position as positive in the eyes of the critics due to a number of policy making issues since WWII. Up to then the bank had gone through a number of remarkably shaky times coping up with such challenges as industrialization and establishment of it. By that time major characteristics of BOJ were its commitment to price stability and positive outcomes that came out of its policies. The most important point is that since its establishment, its legal position did not go through a change. Then it was the only bank rated as the most dependent of all the central banks in the world. Hence the notable feature is its keeping price stability instead of being a dependent bank. It also contradicted the widely acclaimed view that the more independent a central bank, the more price stability would be extended (Cargill, 2005, p. 311).  May 1989 is the period called the low point policy period of BOJ which continued through the year 2004. Here the bank increased the rate of discount in a number of steps that included historically low rate of 2.5 percent to 6.0 in the first stage of 1991. It was sternly a reaction against the asset inflation of the 1980s. However, the sharp recession and diminishing asset rate backed the bank to move for ease of policy in 1991 and the call and discount rates came down to 0.05 percent by the early 1995. Until it obtained the first â€Å"0 rate of interest†policy in 1999, the bank went on lowering call rate discount. It was drawn to a close in 2000. It came back to zero rate policy again in 2000 and moved on to a statistical easing down of policy in 2001 because declining economy alerted the authorities; moreover, it needed to adopt a different framework of operation for short-term rates on interest which had to be fundamentally zero (Cargill, 2005, p. 311). Although internationally, it is the reputation of the Bank of Japan that it has been moving too gradually in terms of the formation of monetary policy, fiscal policies, and resolving the issues present to it, there are important areas where this criticism becomes void. For example, Japan is often compared with the USA without considering the fact that former faced a great many more problems than the latter. Additionally, there are such instances as Japan’s tighter economic policy in 1996 that has much to discard this criticism (Browne, 2001, p. 3). 4- Policies of the Bank of Canada The Bank of Canada (BOC) is often criticized for influencing the level of price, jobs, and the development of its country’s economy. However, in the recent years the Bank has acquired a reputation that it is very concerned with keeping the inflation rate low so that it can make other ends meet for broader goals of economy. The Bank has also been charged with its acute concerns to inflation rate only and looking over such challenges as unemployment and economic growth. However, there are proponents of the Bank’s policies who come forward to defend the policies of the bank as they are presently in practice stating that if the focus of the Bank shift to the vice versa perspective, there would be no growth in economy and inflation rate will increase causing devaluation of the dollar. Vanderhart (2003) conducted an in-depth analysis of BOC’s response to inflation rate and other such concerns as unemployment, growth of economy, and other factors. The author found that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the Bank of Canada’s response to economic data available on inflation is direct, â€Å"inflationary precursors as raw materials and intermediate goods prices are only significant when other important factors are omitted†(p. 357). But the author does not make it a remark that the Bank does not follow the procedures to pursue anti-inflationary policy. What the BOC has successfully achieved with regard to keeping control over inflation is that it responds to those factors which are other than â€Å"the releases of price level data†. Moreover, the recent policies also prompt to the suggestion that the Bank is taking measure to fight the challenge of unemployment. Two factors also came up to the author’s analysis that determined the actions and responses of the BOC. These are exchange rates and federal fund rate. The bottom line that the author draws is the there is little doubt about the health of the Canadian economy and the BOC is actively involved in the process of keeping this health stable. However, if some out-of-Canada issues are present, there may be some criticism on the Bank for example, its interconnection with the U.S. monetary policy because there are voices that might want a Canada which is independent of U.S. related economic policies (Vanderhart, 2003). If we review comparative analysis of Canadian economic growth with other countries (say Australia), there is sufficient evidence to mark the above observation that the Canadian economy has grown stronger than before and that such challenges as labor utilization has been carefully handled in the favor of the country. Harchaoui, et al. tell us that the growth of Canada’s real average income has large credit to a magnificent improvement in the way labor has been utilized, i.e. â€Å"the combination of high average hours worked and a high rate of employment in the total population†. In addition to this, capital deepening effect has also played an important role in the present stability of the Canadian financial outlook (Harchaoui, et al., 2005, p. 36). 5- Bank of Japan and Bank of Canada Comparing the policies of the central banks of Japan and Canada each gives us more insight. There are a few studies that have been done on the comparative analysis. In one such study, Tomljanovich (2007) informs that the central banks of these two countries (including banks of other countries, as well) are on a constant pursuit of having open dialogue with the general public and this is in the efforts of increasing efficiency and reducing volatility in financial markets. In the case of Canada, which comes in the category of a majority of interest rate maturities, it is found that there is greater predictability in terms of market functions because there is a high flow of information to Canada and this flow coincides with sub-periods simultaneously to lower interest volatility rate. However, Japan (as well as Germany in this study) appears to be the only country in which there is no such evidence of lower interest volatility. Moreover the study shows that the central Bank of Japan and the central Bank of Canada both moved to greater transparency measures in the 1990s which shows that both these banks want to progress on the modern lines (p. 791). As for the policies of Canadian central bank, it is evident that there is inclination of these policies to those of the U.S. There is no doubt that Bank of Canada has greater interests in keeping these ties with the financial environment of the U.S. monetary and fiscal policies. However, Bank of Japan has stood on a very different turf that is of independence with dependence and of unique regulatory framework of all policies handled ever since World War II. There is no doubt that government like Canada and Quebec recognize China and Japan for their strategic partnership in the region of Asia. For this the credit goes to Japanese ever-growing economic curve which in turn holds credit for the policies that the central banking system of Japan for a long time formulated, ran, and implemented successfully (Inomata, 2002, p. 259). 6- Conclusion Examination of the policies of central Bank of Japan and the central Bank of Canada in detail reveal that both countries have to face challenges that emerge from their specific environment. There are similarities and differences in the approaches of the Banks of both the countries. One acute similarity is that both countries have moved to greater transparency and are considered successful banks on the international horizon. Another is that Banks of both these countries are focusing more on interest rate and inflation level stability. For this purpose, however, the approaches of the two banks are different; both are putting efforts to fight the challenge of unemployment. As for the differences, Japanese bank is legally dependent, whereas, Canadian bank is independent; yet there is this sharp observation that Bank of Canada looks at the U.S. financial environment for policy making, whereas, Japanese Bank looks at its own typical challenges that need to be tackled on the international f ront. Another important thing which comes out from this study of the two banking systems in two different countries is that both function in their own environment and that it is not possible to find acute similarities in both the systems because of different financial and social outlook of the countries. This is important to look into more details in these central banks and banks of other countries as well so that a sound analysis about policy making and other measure against present and upcoming challenges can be met.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The study of proxemics Essay Example for Free
The study of proxemics Essay The study of proxemics was introduced by Edward T. Hall in 1966 to describe the interactions between different people and the way that they act (Hall 1966). As Hall explained, the dynamics of proxemics is similar to that of gravity in that there are inverse influences that two bodies exert upon each other (Hall 1966). This concept is not some imaginary spatial boundary but is in fact a certain zone that is quantifiable and measurable. According to certain studies, the body spacing and posture that is essential in this understanding can vary and affect the proxemics between individuals (Hall 1966). The reason for this is that there are unintentional human behavioral reactions to any shifts or changes, such as changes in a person’s voice. There are different spheres for proxemics and different standards for such. The first sphere is the Intimate distance sphere which is around 1-18 inches in radius. This sphere is, as the name suggests, quite intimate and is accessible only to a select few. On a personal level, it can be said that this distance is used for physical intimacy such as touching or even whispering. The second sphere is the personal distance sphere which is used for interpersonal relations between friends (Hall 1966). Ranging from 1. 5-4 feet, this is associated with group dynamics or games that people usually play with each other. The next sphere is the social distance sphere which is utilized for interactions with unfamiliar people or acquaintances (Hall 1966). The sphere is considerably larger at this point, beginning from 4 feet and extending to as much as 12 feet. The final sphere is the public distance sphere which is from 12 feet to 25 feet. This is usually the distance that is used for public speaking (Hall 1966). At this level, there is no discernment on who can access. The relevance of all of this lies in understanding the nature of certain cultures or races. As the world continues to expand and races interact, there is a growing need to understand certain character differences and also to respect the personal space of people. Every person has a right to privacy but this is also correlated to the right to exist in a community. As such, studies such as personal space and proxemics aid in this understanding.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Legal And Regulatory Framework
The Legal And Regulatory Framework The present report contains information on the legal and regulatory framework of the British tourism sector as well as of surface, sea and air transport laws and analyses the benefits of those to passengers. The report aims at providing sound advice to the travel agency entrepreneur on British legal and regulatory issues as well as on business ethics that may influence the particular business venture. The objective of the report is to provide the entrepreneur with detailed information so as to help him with his decision making. British Legal Regulatory framework of the Travel tourism sector Although there is no legal and regulatory framework in British system, however, there is the ABTA code of conduct which contains issues related to tourism such as insurance notification, communication, booking etc. Regarding booking, it contains all processes like what happens before booking, how to make the booking, what can happen between travel and booking etc (Theobald, 2005). These processes should be carefully implemented in order to protect the rights of the consumer in British tourism. There are other associations that provide also guidelines regarding tourists comfortable stay and legal issues. These associations are: Health and Safety Commission (HSC), Maritime Authorities, International Air Transport Association (IATA), Air Travel Operators Licensing (ATOL) and CivilAviation Authority (CAA), Strategic Rail Authority (SRA), Health and Safety Executive(HSE). British law is divided in environmental, shipping and air and space law. These are all different laws under the umbrella of British law in tourism.The regulatory power is assigned to special bodies such as the Travel association as well as other authorized bodies. The role of these bodies is to preserve a national stock of recreation facilities such as parks, gardens, sport facilities etc. These bodies are mainly local authorities (Archer et al.,2005). Legal And Regulatory Framework The carriers are responsible for any damages caused to the passengers according to Acts described below (WTO, 2005): Carriage by Air and Road Act 1979. The carrier is everyone involved in carrying passengers either by air or road. The carrier is responsible if due to his/her carelessness the passenger dies or gets injured or any damages are caused to his/her belongings. International Carriage by Sea (Athens Convention 1974. It concerns sea travelling and in this Convention the carrier is also liable for any damages caused to passengers when sea travelling. International Carriage by Road (Carriage by Air and Road Act 1979). It concerns the rights of the travellers even if they had paid for the journey or travel for free.This Act also involves any damages caused to passengers during their travel. Further to travelling by road there is the Regulation (EC) No 1073/2009 for travel by road which concerns free provision of international road passengers. This regulation sets common accessibility rules to the international market for coach and bus [Regulation 1073/2009]. However, it provides, in particular, the liberalization of the shuttle service (from city to city and back) with overnight accomodation via bus and coach, as well as almost all emergency services. It also sets the procedures for granting licenses for these shipments and documents needed for these services. It also specifies the conditions under which are accepted in transport, particularly in national road transport (cabotage) services within a Member State, carriers that are not located in it. In case of transfer from one Member State to a third country and vice versa, the regulation applies to the department within the territory of the Member State from which the route passes. The Athens Conventions Act 1974 is applied and amended in the UK. It involves international carriers and/ or passengers whereas the Domestic Carriage Order 1987 is addressed to domestic passengers travelling by sea. The Carriage by Railway Act 1972 concerns international carriages and involves passengers with registered luggage. When there is a damage to a passenger then the carrier is obliged to pay for the passengers registered luggage. Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 concerns also rail travel. This regulation is designed to protect people with disabilities and reduced mobility from unfair and discriminating treatment and to provide assistance during the use of commercial air services.It obliges carriers and / the travel / s agents who represent them not deny booking and boarding to disabled, to provide information in formats appropriate for their physical injuries, to provide points of departure and arrival into the airport, take and distribute among them the notification that they have to serve people with disabilities,as well as to provide them with assistance in the airport and in flight. At the same time, it binds the parties involved to have fully trained staff to the treatment of people with disabilities, and requires compensation for loss of or damage to motor equipment. Finally, it sets the limits for complaints and sanctions. Although there is no doubt that this regulation improves conditions of air transport for people with disabilities, it does not address accessibility obligation outtside airports and aircraft business services concerned. Thus, there is no obligation on the electronic benefits of airlines and travel companies, which is not justified by the needs of reasonable accommodation. It should be borne in mind that airlines provide a wide range of services outside the traditional areas in which they are active (airports aircraft) and participate in corporate networks after having completed these activities Regarding carriage by air the Warsaw Convention 1929 is applied. The Warsaw convention is created by the global community of air transport and the purpose was to provide global standards for carrying passengers world wide, especially common rules on liability for passengers and goods in case of accident, loss of baggage and delay in international air transport, while it reduces the cost to the airlines. Among others, a very important layout was included that the airline is considered liable (Article 17) but that liability is generally limited (Article 22) up to 10,000 U.S. dollars maximum. However, the passenger and the carrier may, by special contract agree to a higher limit of liability (Article 22, paragraph 1). The carrier has the opportunity to rebut any action based on the contract if s/he proves that s/he took all necessary measures to avoid damage, and in this case s/he is not liable (Article 20, paragraph 1). Moreover, the carrier is able to limit his liability if s/he proves that s/he contributed to the accident and the negligence of the injured individual (Article 21). Finally, Article 25 prohibits a carrier from benefitting of any clause that limits or excludes liability if s/he or his/her agents commit a willful misconduct. Finally, it should be mentioned the EU Directive on Package Travel for visitors to Europe or from Europe. The European law facilitates traveling for leisure or on business within the European Union and the common currency facilitates travelers in eurozone countries. Travellers can make unlimited purchases in the country visited and bring the goods to their country duty free. Citizens of the Member States are entitled to unlimited exchange for intra-European trips, whereas before the liberalization of capital movements they were entitled only limited tourist exchange. For their package holidays, they are protected by European legislation for the mismanagement or misuse of their holiday by tour operators [Directive 90/314] For their air trips, they are also protected against overbooking charged by airlines [Regulation 261/2004]. Travelers can call the 112 number free European emergency call across the European Union [Decision 91/396 and Directive 2002/22]. In case of illness or acciden t happening to them only by presenting the European Health Insurance Card, which attests their participation to a similar system in their country of residence [Decisions 2003/751, 2003/752 and 2003/753]. In the ports and airports of the Member States, special channels exist for citizens of EE, who have a uniform passport [Resolutions 23/06/1981, 14/07/1986 and 10/07/1995]. Showing passports is not needed when crossing internal borders of the Schengen area [Decision 2000/586]. The conditions of travel within the EU have become much easier for pet owners [Regulation 998/2003]. Ethical dilemmas The travel agency may have to face unethical competition i.e. extremely low prices. The company can overcome these issues by creating a code of ethics that will enable it to act in harmony with host countries and achieve competitive advantage (Holden, 2003). The country will provide, prior to travelling, all information regarding the country that they will visit as well as to any information regarding safety and health risks. Furthermore, the company will encourage them to respect the local environment and avoid any actions that will be against the law. Safeguarding the natural environment of the countries will be top in the code of ethics of the company. The company should also try to distribute holidays in such a way so as tourist flow would be smoothed and the environment will not be further burdened. Furthermore, tourist activities planned by the company will respect the ecosystem. The company will, in cooperation with local authorities, take care of health protection and security of its clients. In addition, the company will respect the spiritual needs of its clients and allow them to practice their religions. Corporate Social Responsibility Key Travel There will be presented the CSR program of Key Travel. Key travel is based in London and Manchester and employs over 100 employees. It is UKs 47th biggest travel agency. It focuses on business travel for the not-for-profit sector. More specifically, Key Travel provides services to charitable organizations no matter what their purpose is i.e. medical relief, educational projects etc (Key Travel, 2012). Its CSR consists of three axes: People, Planet and Profits. Regarding People, Key Travel believes strongly in its people and promotes diversity in workplace by employing people of different ethnic origins as well as women. Key Travel was a pioneer since it implemented in the 1980s what is in fashion nowadays i.e. flexible working hours and home-working. It also provides gym tickets and weekend travel breaks for its employees. In addition, it offers its employees fresh fruit in the office! Finally, Key Travel offers to charities money and items that are not needed (Key Travel, 2012). Regarding travelling, Key Travel respects local people of the countries visited and demands its customers to ask for permission before they take any picture of local people, their homes as well as of religious sites such as temples, churches etc. It also encourages litter free travel, respect of animals by not supporting festivals where animals are used for performance. Key Travel warns its customers not to buy goods coming from endangered species such as sea turtle, ivory etc.Key Travel believes that its CSR program has benefited the company a lot since it has managed to attract new customers, reduce costs and improve efficiency and motivation. It is suggested that the new business venture should take Key Travel as a case study for its CSR program. More specifically, the new business should also base its program on the three axes People, Planet and Profits and implement the appropriate actions that will reinforce the values attributed to each one of the axes. Conclusion The travel agencies are divided into different categories based on the type and nature of activities and services they offer having as their primary responsibility the service of all travelers, providing tourist services with quality (Hudson Miller, 2005). Travel Agencies are one of the major players of the tourism industry, because the travel agency is the means for promoting the trip, given the fact that if it uses the appropriate means, it will guide, lead and assist the traveler to choose the destination of his/her travel depending on his/her needs and possibilities (Ingbar, 2004). The travel agency acts on behalf of its clients and partners-suppliers, who organize the trip before the visitor arrives.Therefore, a new Travel Agency should know the legal framework concerning tourism since it provides tourism services and it has to follow the law. However, following the law is not sufficient for being efficient nowadays. The Agency has to be an ethical business and implement specific CSR programs to achieve maximum efficiency and enhance its brand.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathy Essay -- BSE Prion Mad Cow Disease
Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathy Abstract: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is caused by a prion, which is an infectious agent comprised solely of protein. The prion is a degenerate form of a normal cellular protein found in the brain and in nervous tissue. It targets the normal protein and causes the normal protein to change its shape. When enough of the prion is produced, the cell dies and symptoms of the disease are expressed. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), more commonly known as mad cow disease, is an unusual disease in regards to the fact that it is not caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or any other organism. Instead the disease is caused by prions, infectious agents simply composed of protein. Prions lack nucleic acid and are composed of an abnormal isoform of a normal cellular protein. What this means is that the prions and the cellular proteins have the same arrangements of the amino acids; however, the prion is folded differently from the cellular protein. "They are much like the toy "Transformers" that intrigued little kids in the 1980s. A sphynx could become a robot; a bug could become a warrior. Nothing was added; nothing subtracted."(Ruth Levy Guyer, Ph.D., 1) The tightly wound alpha helixes (figure 2) of the normal cellular proteins are unfolded and turn into beta sheets (figure 1). (Ruth Levy Guyer, Ph.D., 1) Figure 1 Figure 2 Another feature of the prion is its ability to remain stable in extreme conditions. Because prions do not have any DNA or RNA like other infectious agents, they are very hard to deal with. Prions are extremely resistant to conventional procedures to inactivate them including irradiation, boiling, dry heat, and chemicals such asformalin, betapropiolactone, and alcohols. S... a disease that runs in families and prevents people from sleeping, causes motor and emotional problems, and is eventually a killer. GSS was linked to two mutations in the prion gene in 1989. Prion fragments accumulate in the brain in structures called plaques. In Alzheimer's disease, similar plaques develop, but they are composed of fragments of a different protein. Works Cited â€Å"Prion†Wikipedia. 28 July 2006 . DeArmond, Stephen J., M.D., Ph.D., Safar, Jiri, M.D., Groth, Darlene, A.B., Prusiner, Stanley B., M.D. â€Å"Prions†Office of Health and Safety. 28 July 2006 . Guyer, Ruth Levy, Ph.D. â€Å"Prions: Puzzling Infectious Proteins†National Institutes of Health Office of Science. 28 July 2006 .
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Workplace and Title Seven Essay -- essays research papers
The Workplace and Title VII The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the catalyst in abolishing the separate but equal policies that had been a mainstay in our society. Though racial discrimination was the initial focal point, its enactment affected every race. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in housing, education, employment, public accommodations and the receipt of federal funds based on certain discrimination factors such as race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or religion. Title VII is the employment segment of the Civil Rights Act and is considered one of the most important aspects of legislation that has helped define the employment law practices in this country. Prior to Title VII, an employer could hire and fire an employee for any given reason. Title VII prohibits discrimination in hiring, firing, training, promotion, discipline or other workplace decisions. (Bennett-Alexander-Hartman, Fourth Edition, pp 85) Though it applies to everyone, its enactment was especially signifi cant to women and minorities, who until its passage had limited recourse in harassment based discriminations in the workplace.      The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency that enforces the federal laws, policies and regulations as it relates to employment discrimination. Over the course of years, Title VII has been amended to reinforce its prohibitions to include pregnancy as a type of gender discrimination, jury trials, compensatory damage and punitive damages. Its amendments have also strengthened the enforcement policy of the EEOC. An employer and employee need to be aware of those areas that are and are not covered by Title VII. It applies to employers, unions, joint labor and management committees as well as employment agencies whose functions include referral and training decisions among others. It applies to all private, federal, state and local governments who employ 15 employees or more. An employer with less than 15 employees is not required to comply with the guidelines set by Title VII. Title VII covers all levels and types of employees. In 1991, t he act was further extended to include United States (U.S.) citizens who are employed outside of the U.S. for American employers. Non U.S. citizens are also protected as long as they are employed in the U.S. Title VII however, does not a... ...overlooked in the workplace. Title VII has changed the pre-employment process in that the interviewer must be careful in the questions that are posed to the interviewee. The interviewer should not ask questions that can be deemed discriminatory. A rule of thumb is to limit questions that have to do with a person’s private life. As an employer, it must be made clear that discrimination will not be tolerated in the workplace. Employers and employees need to become familiar with what constitutes discrimination. Employees need to be informed of the employer’s position as it relates to workplace discrimination. An employer should adopt policies that address this issue in the form of employee handbooks and/or in house training for all employee levels, including what steps will be taken for violations. If the employer and employee work together to prevent these forms of discretions, it can help curtail some of the litigiousness surrounding this issue. References Anheuser-Busch, Inc., v. Missouri Com’n on Human Rights, 682 S.W.2d 828 (Mo.App. E.D. 1984) Bennett-Alexander-Hartman, Employment Law for Business, 4th Edition, 85, 95, 97, Griggs v. Duke Power, 401 U.S. 424 (1971).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
al capone :: essays research papers
Al Capone Thesis: From racketeering, bootlegging, and brotheling, Alphonse Capone is one of the most well known and influential gangsters in history.      Al Capone, born to Gabriele and Teresina Capone, was born in Brooklyn, New York. At age 5 he starrted school at Public School no.7 on Adams street. Al’s school had outbreaks of violence. Male Students engaged in fist fights with female teachers. At age 14 he engaged in a fight between himself and a teacher. He was expelled and he never returned to school again.      One of the biggest impacts on his life was when he and his family moved across town. This is where he would meet his wife, Mae and gangster Johnny Torrio. Al was exposed to Johnny Torrio because Johnny’s headquarters was only a few blocks away. Al earned pocket money by running errands for Johnny Torrio. â€Å"Torrio taught Capone the importance of leading an outwardly respectiable life to segregate his carreer from his home life, as if maintaining a peacefull, conventional domestic setting somehow excused or legitimized the venality of workingin the rackets. I was a form of hypocrisg that was second nature to Johnny Torrio and that taught Capone to honor†(A&E Biography. Al Capone, Scareface). Like youths of his time he ran in territorial gangs at first he was with the South Brooklyn Rippers, then the Forty Theives, and lastly the Five Point Juniors. Capone worked hard at boreing jobs he cut paper and other odd jobs. One of his jobshe worked at the Harward Inn as a barr tender and a bouncer. He became popular to his customersand his boss.           One day he waited tables on a young man and his female companion. She was Beautiful to the young Capone. He leaned over and told her, â€Å"Honey, you have a nice ass and I mean that as a compliment.†The young man hit Al. Al’s temper began to rise. The man pulled a knife and cut him three times in the face. The young man told Lucky Luciano what happened. Then Luciano went to Frankie Yale. Then Frankie, Luciano and the young man came together to dispence some justice on Capone. Capone ended up just appoligising to the man and the young woman. Frankie Yale liked Capone and decided to take him under his wing. He showed Capone strong arm tactics, bookkeepping, loan sharking, extortion, exacting tribute from pimps and bookmakers and also how to offer protection to local busisnesses. Al met Mae Loughlin and didn’t marry her until their child was born. Afterwards focused on a ligetiment carreer.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Bel Canto Essay
Bel Canto – Essay Love in a pressure cooker is much different then love in â€Å"real†life or in the mundane world. The pressure cooker in Bel Canto would be the situation of being held hostage, held inside by terrorists. Not being able to live the lives that they all once lived. In the mundane world people are busy. They are busy taking children here and there; people have schedules to attend to and places to be. The ability to do what they want is limited. Many parts of the â€Å"real†world are dictated by agendas. People lose the ability to love naturally. They learn to love something or someone because they are around it all the time or it’s what they are told to love. Many of times people forgo doing things they love because they don’t have time or don’t make time to do what they love. When Kato played piano for the first time it was like a hearing all their feelings come alive. Kato didn’t tell anyone that he played piano he just decided to play. Simon and Edith also found there love again, there love for each other. Because death and danger were possible many of the characters wanted to have friendships while in the hostage situation. Many of them faced language barriers but over came them so that they had what they wanted in dire times. The characters also live for the moment. They act in ways that they wouldn’t in any other situation because the unknown thought of death is lingering. When Hosokawa started to realize that he loved Roxanne it was not known if they would ever really be together. Hosokawa was willing to give up his life in Japan to be with Roxanne, because he realized in this situation that he was not doing what he loved and did not love the life he was living. Love in a pressure cooker situation makes people be more spontaneous and do the things they have forgotten about or want to do rather then what they have to do. Love in the real world is different. It’s harder to get to know someone sometime, or be able to be with someone because society says it shouldn’t be allowed. Real world love is harder and more difficult to keep at times. But in the end, Love is still Love and it is something that is felt by all, whether you are in a pressure cooker situation or in the real world. The desire to be loved by someone is always there and the desire to love someone is always there too.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A central issue in Victorian novels Essay
Discuss the role and expectations of women in Middlemarch In Middlemarch Eliot demonstrates what she believes is an incongruity in Victorian society. She uses a range of female characters as both good and bad examples as to their fulfilment of differing expectations, and the roles they play in their interaction with others. The role that a character plays is a manifestation of expectation, and it depends on whose expectation this is that defines their place in society. The characters that most adapt their role to fit with the opinions of a majority often hold more prestige within the provincial society. However Eliot’s message is clear when we see that those who follow the expectations of a minority, and in particular those who follow their own path, end up happy by the close of the novel, even if the role which they assume is essentially an orthodox one. Victorian patriarchy gives the most inclination to expect to the male characters of the novel. Individuals such as Mr. Brooke hold very rigid, sincere views as to the proper conduct and position of women; he and the bulk of the male province believe in a ‘lightness about the feminine mind’, and that they are ‘too flighty’ to comprehend the same breadth of information as a male. He expects women to be an adornment, being able to ‘play you or sing you a good old English tune’ rather than have knowledge of ‘classics, mathematics’ and ‘that kind of thing’. He requires women to have the simple function of a light entertainer, never having need of an opinion because subjects that would require one are ‘too taxing’. Eliot is being highly ironic in depicting Brooke in this way, highlighting his want of a woman being able to perform tricks, like a complex dog, as ridiculous, and even more so in its acceptance among his friends. It is soon obvious that his friends agree with him so because they are of similar thinking. The opening of the novel depicts a meal at which both Sir James Chettam and Mr. Casaubon are guests of his, and they both seem to be similarly inclined as far as their expectations of women, although perhaps more in deed than in word. Sir James displays outrageous naivety towards women with sweeping statements such as; ‘ladies usually are fond of Maltese dogs’. Eliot is presenting him with such irony that he is made to look extremely misguided in such a channelled view that most ladies are ‘fond’ of something so specific as a Maltese dog. His over-simplistic thinking is coupled with an expectation of material love in women, which is obviously incorrect considering that he offers the dog as a gift to Dorothea who regards it as ‘parasitic’. Chettam errs in expecting Dorothea to love him for the ‘excellent human dough’ that he has received through birth. He has more emphasis on the quality of his future bride as a trophy rather than a lover, weighing in his mind whether it would be better to marry Dorothea or Celia, her sister, and concludes that Dorothea is ‘in all respects superior’. He expects women to share this unaffected, showy attitude towards love in assuming that he is capable of marrying either of the sisters, and that they naturally would coincide with his desire. He is therefore hurt when he learns that ‘he was not an object of preference to the woman he had preferred’, and we see that Dorothea is more unorthodox in her role in denying the ‘amiable, handsome baronet’ her courtship. Celia, however, is more accommodating to Chettam, and when she eventually marries him she assumes the role of a ‘great pet’. Her position of subordinance is also one of pampering; she has been socially elevated by marrying a wealthy aristocratic knight, and her attitude that women should aim for a status like her own is made clear when she scalds Dorothea that ‘she could think marrying Mr. Ladislaw, who has got no estate or anything’. The intentions of Sir James and the theories of Brooke are disappointed in Dorothea because the preordained role that she has designated herself is one of intellectual expansion and assistance, in order that she may ‘make life beautiful’. She has ‘not the same tastes as every young lady’, believing it her destiny to marry someone scholarly and great. She ruminates early in the novel how she ‘would have accepted’ Milton, so that she could aid him in his studies ‘once his blindness had come on’, and also ‘the judicious Hooker’, so that she could ‘save him from that wretched mistake he made in matrimony’; in both of these cases she would consider such a union a ‘glorious piety’. She considers her role as being in harmonious union with an intellectual who is destined for great works; a man who’s physical weaknesses she could accommodate for, whilst she could gain some scholar through matrimonial instruction. Although her idea of ‘a really delightful marriage’ is not necessarily unorthodox inasmuch as she is prepared for a life of subservience under someone she genuinely believes to be superior to herself, it is Dorothea’s criteria concerning the nature of her partner distinguishes her from other characters such as Celia or Rosamond Vincy; she desires an element of ‘a sort of father’ in her husband, which is why she rejects the offer of marriage from Sir James, who could ‘never affect her as a husband’. Marriage to Edward Casaubon fulfils her preconception of her future role, regarding his knowledge as ‘a lake compared to [her] little pool’. This may have been the case had Mr. Casaubon had similar expectations for her as his wife. Having been ‘looking forward to higher initiation in ideas’, she is disappointed when Casaubon considers her a hindrance rather than an aid. He expects her to be more of a background secretary, doing his bidding whenever he so wishes. Even during the courtship when Dorothea asks whether she should ‘prepare’ herself ‘to be more useful’ and ‘learn to read Latin or Greek’, to aid him in his study, he discourages her from taking such an active role in their marriage by fearing ‘that it might be wearisome’ to her. On their honeymoon disaster transpires when Casaubon has an outburst in which he demands that Dorothea stay out of his scholarly affairs, because ‘the true subject matter lies entirely beyond [her] reach’. So Dorothea’s role and Casaubon’s expectations regarding their marriage contradict, and this ultimately brings about their downfall. Perhaps Dorothea’s idea of matrimonial role would have clashed with the majority of the Middlemarch denizens. This certainly appears to be the case at one of Brooke’s functions at Tipton Grange when various men discuss her and compare her with Rosamond Vincy. Their expectation of an element of ostentation in women is shown when Mr. Chichely concludes that Dorothea is does not ‘lay herself out’ enough to please them, and that ‘there should be a little filigree about a woman’. This conception of the ideal young woman seems to exhibit itself in Rosamond, whom Chichely would choose above both Dorothea and Celia. Rosamond considers her destined role as a married woman, and, similarly to Celia, pursues elevation in ‘that middle-class heaven, rank’. She sees marriage to Tertius Lydgate as desirable because of his ‘certain air of distinction congruous with good family’ with which she is impressed. She also feels that he has prospects of leaving Middlemarch, which would fit her preferred role perfectly as it would sever connections with her lowborn mother.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Business Goals
Background of study The quick development in rivalry among firms of different kinds has represented a few difficulties for them with respect to keeping up their customers and accomplishing business goals. Because of that, firms have moved from customary ways of marketing towards social trading methods with customers that could return more prominent business benefits on the long haul. Consequently, concentrating on retention of customers has turned out to be vital for enhancing the competitiveness and performance of the organizations. Keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish the retention of customers, it must be noticed that customers have a tendency to assess their purchasing experiences regarding the perceived value that is followed by the measure of cash spent to receive an item or benefit and the advantages got in return. Along these lines, a positive experience of a customer significantly affects the purchasing behavior and retention of the customer. (Bapat and Thanigan, 2016). To manage customer relations and guarantee firm efficacy, it has happened to be very necessary to comprehend what leads to retention of the customers. (Afzali and Ahmed, 2016). Customer retention is defined as â€Å"the process of building customer loyalty towards a particular brand, thus resulting in repurchasing its products or services over time†(Cannie, 1994; Danish, Ahmad, Ateeq, Ali, and Humayon, 2015). Customer retention is the primary objective for the organizations that aides in keeping up their business (Coviello, 2002). There are an extensive number of firms that are associated with the retention of their customers. In order to achieve the maximum profitability, firms tend to focus on the retention of the customers (Kotler, 2003). Retention of the customers underlines on backing which is for the most part connected with repurchase conduct and brand devotion of the customers (Buttle, 2004). At the end of the day, retention of the customers involves a durable responsibility of a customer towards a brand and keeping up such relationship because of positive observations and past encounters (Boohene, 2013; Mohamed and Borhan, 2014). Customers who cheerfully make the majority of their buys from a specific brand for the most part have higher extent of fulfillment towards it than the individuals who indicate less loyalty. Anderson and Sullivan (1990) likewise represented that client maintenance gives monetary ramifications to firms on the grounds that increasing new customers is more exorbitant than keeping up existing ones because of the costs that they spend on publicizing and advancement to impact their purchase intention. Retention of the customers happens when the customers are completely happy with the benefits given by the inns (Grà ¸nhaug and Gilly,2001). On the other hand, the customers are particularly faithful towards their brands (inn) and it brings about the retention of the customers of that brand (Buttle, 2004). In order to achieve the maximum benefits and advantages, the firms tend to focus on retention of their customers. (Dawkins and Reichheld, 2009). There are few examinations that clarify the impact of the diverse variables that impact the client maintenance in inns. This is especially simple for the clients to get disappointed with the offers administrations to them (Colgate and Lang, 2001; Colgate and Norris, 2001) 1.2 Purpose of The Study The main and premier reason for this research is to discover the impact of the distinctive factors on the retention of the customers.Research ObjectivesThe fundamental goals for this article are as per the following:To find the impacts of the distinctive factors such as service quality, ambience, customer satisfaction and loyalty on retention of the customers.Significance of the studyThe significance of the study is that retention of the customers is the essential activity for any business for the most extreme yield. This investigation is done to clarify the connection between ambience, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service quality and retention of the customers.Scope of the study This examination will assist the entrepreneurs with working on these elements in light of the fact that these variables are the fundamental need of each customer. What's more, with the assistance of this analysis, the entrepreneurs can thrive their business. This exploration is additionally valuable for similar firms who are confronting the issues in keeping up the customers.Research QuestionThe research question of this study is to find out what is the impact of ambience, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and service quality on the retention of the customers.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Economics †Frictional and Structural Unemployment Essay
This assignment mainly compares and contrasts the two broad categories of unemployment which are Structural and Frictional unemployment. The type of unemployment which has a greater impact on economy will also be identified and the reasons for this phenomenon will also be discussed. Frictional Unemployment The short term unemployment in an economy refers to frictional unemployment which is present due to normal market adjustments. The factors contributing to the hindrances of employment in frictional unemployment are business adjustments, imperfections of market information that are imperfect or the individual’s preferences for employment are much higher than available. Those people are frictionally unemployed who do not have jobs in the market with wages of current market level; these jobs are within reasonable reach and are suited to their skills (Gilpatrick, 1966). However, this type of unemployment is not long-term. Frictional unemployment can be removed without any increase in aggregate demand and in a short period of time. There are jobs available for those who are unemployed, under this type of unemployment, but the workers are not aware of other opportunities, they require time to readjust to business changes or they choose to wait for other job opportunities. The assumptions of frictional unemployment are that labor productivity, state of technology and the skills of labor force remain constant in the short term (Gilpatrick, 1966). Structural Unemployment Structural unemployment occurs because of the structural changes in the economy or the business processes of the related businesses. This type of unemployment is encountered in the long run and sometimes could arise without any changes in the demand. The composition of final demand, technological advancements and shifts in the locations of industries are the main structural shifts that affect the labor and skill requirement. If the labor force is capable of adapting to the new environment, there will be no problems. Those who are not able to adapt, they get unemployed because either their skills are no longer required in the industry or their skills are non-transferable to other occupations (Gilpatrick, 1966). The basic changes responsible for structural unemployment are in final demand of product mix and in technology. However, when there is exhaustion of resources locally, the industries can move out to other geographical regions which cause structural unemployment. When there is a change in technology, no increase in skills of the labor will provide employment for those who were displaced. Those who do not have the skills required to get employed are said to be structurally unemployed (Gilpatrick, 1966). Differences between the Two Types of Unemployment The key difference in the two type of unemployment is that in the structural unemployment, the unemployment is caused by the mismatch of specific labor skills supply and demand, whereas in frictional unemployment, there is no such mismatch. Another key difference is that the structural unemployment is long term whereas the frictional unemployment takes only a short period to get eliminated, given other things constant. Impact on Economy Structural unemployment has a higher impact on the economy as this type of unemployment can trigger a higher level of inflation when the demand of the products gets higher. The structural unemployment can get the industries disappear from the economy which are no longer require or if the labor does not have the skills required. This is a long term unemployment which also increases the impact as the unemployed labor does not contribute to the economy. Frictional unemployment on the other hand is a short term phenomenon which is eliminated in a short period of time. This is not as bad for the economy as the skills required in the industry are present with the workers and they will find their desired work shortly. References Gilpatrick, E. (1966). ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT: A VIEW OF THE STRUCTURAL-INADEQUATE DEMAND DEBATE. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 19(2), 201-212. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
Against tithing in the modern-day christian church Essay
Against tithing in the modern-day christian church - Essay Example Tithing should not be practiced in the modern-day Church. There are several reasons for this, five good ones being the following: God does not dwell in churches made with human hands; the old Covenant cannot justify men through works and righteousness anymore; there would be less prosperity churches as well as their propaganda; the church can have a different approach towards giving than tithing; and the practice of tithing ended with the last book of the Old Testament in Malachi. These are just a few of the many reasons why tithing should not continue to be practiced in the modern Christian church. Tithing is an outdated notion which only serves to place a burden upon the people who have very little alreadyâ€â€and casts a pall over the church as an organization that is only motivated by money and getting congregation members to handily donate or give to the Church. II. God’s New Covenant Dwells in a Body of Believers, Not a Physical Building Under the new Covenant, God do es not dwell in churches made with human handsâ€â€but rather dwells within a temple that is made of the body of believers. This is significant because Christians should not be focusing entirely on the revenue that a church creates through tithing, but rather make it a situation where people can donate or give openly or anonymouslyâ€â€in whatever fashion they see fit that is in line with church standards. Additionally, now believers under the new Covenant are now God's templeâ€â€and as such, the issue of tithing and giving 10% of one’s income is not an option.... , andâ€â€while people should still be encouraged to give freely to the church if it is within their power to do soâ€â€people should not be bullied into giving such a large portion of their income over to the Church, an obvious fact. III. Christ’s Appearance Abolished the Necessity for Tithing People used to tithe in the church in order to ensure that the Levirate (the priests who were descendants of Levi) were taken care of in order so that they could serve the church. Therefore, ten percent of the peoples’ offerings went to the priesthood. To continue such a practice by supporting pastors with ten percent of one’s income is not only based on a Biblical concept that is now out-of-date, but also unnecessary. The old Covenant cannot justify men through works and righteousness anymore, as Christ has already come. Since Christ came to the world because he loved the worldâ€â€God having given ‘His only [begotten] son’ to pay recompense for the sins of the worldâ€â€it no longer became necessary for the old rule of tithing to continue to stay in place.1 Christ died in order to bring the new Covenant into fruition, thus becoming the fulfillment of the law. People no longer had to abide by doing good works and seeking righteousness in order to secure their place in heaven. That is not saying people should not do good works or continue to live righteouslyâ€â€but works and righteousness are evidences that a Christian is still practicing the faith. These are the fruits of righteousness, which ever Christian should display. This is more important than some fabricated obligation to â€Å"give God 10%.†Christ should be the focus in the Church’s congregation, with every church appropriately divining God’s message as the churches’ missions are developed into full-fledged
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